Bidding Tender - 31444689



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Procurement Of 27 Lines Of Lltr Spares, 392 Pwr Ca To Ops Emi Filter 3Ph 4W M3sr X T44410l V Uhftransceiver Spin-On Fuel Filter Filter Insert Air Filter Part Fuel Filter Cable Assembly P27 127 P53 153 Cable W14 Ethernet Rx Pressure Valve Ca Radar Es Radar 50M Sfp Transceiver 1571Nm Fuse Time Lag 3 15A Fuse Time Lag 6 3A Fuse Time Lag 0 4A Miniature Fuse 2A Miniature Fuse 16A Ac Dc Power Supply 2 5 Ton Vertical Slip On Ac 21 Inch Lcd Monitor Pc Configured 62266001 Dual Band L1 L2 Active Gps Antenna Spf Transceiver 1571Nm Sfp Transceiver 1511Nm High Temp Solder Wire Con Acce Crimp Socket Contact Si Battery Shelf Manager Board Air Conditioner Unit Lltr

» Get complete Support to submit Tender Bid.
» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.