Bidding Tender - 31632396



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Supply of Mechanical Item 28 Types 9137 7420211018 Quadrant Al8483001 7420211065 Cover Al8050014 7420212015 Holder Al8636131 7420212064 Handle Al8333502 7420212072 Axle Box Al8227082 7432411001 Spring Af8387146 7432411015 Clamp Af8637212 7432411030 Spring Af8387315 11 7432411037 Yoke Af8665267 7432511013 Frame Olf R And D Tvne 4B 1Pa 200 01 M2 7432511024 Ring Bsh8241282 7432511033 Support Olf R And D Tvne 4B 1Pa 154 M2 7432511035 Holder Olf R And D 157 M2 7432511038 Flange Olf R And D Tvne 4B 1Pa 165 M2 7432511048 Shell Olf R And D 261 01 M2 7432512003 Cover Bsh8040091 7432512006 Ring Nut Olf R And D Tvne 4B 1Pa 146 M3 7432512007 Ring Nut Olf R And D Tvne4b 1Pa 144M1 7440208241 Ring U 60 60 082 7440208249 Cover U 63 06 420 7440208277 Key U 75 62 383 7445108191 Ring U 60 21 214 7446001506 Bush U6336983 7446001559 Ring U 6001087 9004080908 Cover Af8050308 9927065025 Flange Af8230272 9927089227 Cover Af8057046 9927089349 Ring Af8241293

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For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.