Eligibility Criteria - 31670359


Check Eligibility Criteria

Check your eligibility criteria for tender Supply of Wtcc For Lslrd Coachs, As Per Drawing: Lr10550 Alt.A, Packing Instruction: 1. The Sup Plier Shall Pack The Integrated Wtcc In A Suitably Designed Returnable Fixture In Su Ch A Way That Integrated Wtcc Shall Not Get Scratched, Damaged, Twisted During T Ransportation, Storage And Lifting And To Avoid Scratches On Outer Surface. It Sh Ould Be Wrapped With Enviroment Friendly Material And It Should Have Standard Cl Amping /Fastening Mechanism So That It Can Be Opened Easily. It Should Have Firms Id Entification Mark. 2. First Returanable Fixture Along With Integrated Wtcc Be Retai Ned By Rcf & This Fixture Shall Be Exchanged In The Second Lot Supply And So On. At T He End Of The Contact, The Firm Shall Collect The Remaining Returnable Packing Fixt Ure From Rcf. 3. The Packing Fixture/Frame To Be Fabricated Having Sufficient Stren Ght To Bear Approximate 1 Tonne Load In Static & Moving Condition Of Two Coach Set Of Integrated Wtcc. 4. The Fixture /Frame/Pallet Should Be Designed So That The Pac Ked Wtcc Remain Preferably In Horizontal Position To Minimize Surface Area. 5. It Sh Ould Also Be Suitable For Storage Of Integrated Wtcc Under Open Sky. Warranty Peri Od: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery

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