Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 31522991


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Supply Of Ct 60 By 5A 11Kv Resn Cast, Potential Transformer 6.6Kv By 110V, 110V Ac Timer With Delayed 1No Plus 1Nc Conta, Brkr Crct Mcb 20A 2P 10Ka, Brkr Crct Mcb 16A 230V 2P, Brkr Crct Mcb 16A 240V 1P, Brkr Crct Mcb 32A 220 By 440V 1P Lght Ckt, Brkr Crct Mcb 32A 240V 2P, Brkr Crct Mcb 32A 240V 4P, Zero Speed Switch, Fan Air Crcultr By Exhst 220V 600Mm, Blower Elec Air 230V 620W 6.5M3 By Min, Cable 1.1Kv 4C Al Pvc 10Mm2 Armrd, Cable 1.1Kv 4C Cu Pvc 4Mm2 Armrd, Cable 1.1Kv 4C Cu Pvc 2.5Mm2 Armrd Cntrl, Cable 1.1Kv 19C Cu Pvc 2.5Mm2 Cntrl, Bridge Rectifier Unit, Short Circuit Hrc Fuse 63 Amps, Short Circuit Hrc Fuse 50 Amps, Short Circuit Hrc Fuses 100Amps, Short Circuit Hrc Fuses 125 Amps, Short Circuit Hrc Fuses 315 Amps, High Voltage Hrc Fuse 6.6Kv By 7.2Kv 63A, Hrc Ht Pt Fuse 6.6Kv 3.15A, Ammeter By Voltmeter Selector Switch, Control Relay, Control Relay 110V

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