Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 31537849


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Supply Of Polyurethane Paint L/W Grey Pt No. 31139Apxt1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Matt Black Pt No. 31105Kpx-T1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Glossy Yellow Pt No. 31102Ypx-T1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Glossy Green Pt No. 31549Gpx-T1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Glossy White Pt No. 31101Wpx-T1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Glossy Saffron Pt No. 33317Npx/35503Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Glossy Black Pt No. 311040Kpx-T1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Thinner Pt No. 00053Sst-1 Q3, Epoxy Antiskid With Black Hardner Pt No. 03885Kmzb Q3, Putty Nc Bs 544 Pt No. Bs 544 Q3, Heat Resistant Black Pt No. 02308Kml-Hf Q3, Filler Surface Grey Pt No. Sp-11 Q3, Paint Cold Curd Epoxide A/C Glossy White Pt No. 16087Wef-Lvoc Q3, Polyurethane Paint Oxford Blue Pt No. 31137Bpxt1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Grotto Blue Pt No. 31328Bpx-T1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Aluminium Pt No. Pg-6-Mc28/Ph-34 Q3, Polyurethane Paint Da Grey Pt No. 3309Apx Q3, Polyurethane Paint Golden Yellow Pt No. 33316Ypxt1/06480Cmu Q3, Polyurethane Paint Red Pt No. 31327Rpx-T1/06480Cmu Q3, Paint Remover Indrox Pt No. Sspr-401 Q3, Epoxy Primer Yellow Pt No. Ad9318-Fd/Ad2298-Fd Q3, Etch Primer Base Pt No. 03174Yvp-1 Q3, Etch Primer Base Activator Pt No. 03175Ssc Q3

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