Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 31628577


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Supply of At Welding Equipment Cap Pre Heating System Compressed Air Blower Machine Fitted With Data Transmitter Technology As Per Clause 1 0.1.Iv Of Irs T 19-2021 The Compressed Air Blower Shall Have Facility To Record And Save The Preheating Parameters Viz. Pressure And Time, Firm Detai Ls, Welder Details And Weld Location Details For A Particular Weld Along With Facility To Send These Preheating Parameters And Related Details Automatically As Sms To Concerned Railway Officials Immediately After Finishing Of Preheating. It Shall Be Possible To Send This Sms Simultaneously Up To 10 Mobile N Umbers. Warranty Period: 24 Months After The Date Of Delivery At Welding Equipment Cap Pre Heating System Compressed Air Blower Machine Fitted With Data Transmitter Technology As Per Clause 1 0.1.Iv Of Irs T 19-2021 The Compressed Air Blower Shall Have Facility To Record And Save The Preheating Parameters Viz. Pressure And Time, Firm Detai Ls, Welder Details And Weld Location Details For A Particular Weld Along With Facility To Send These Preheating Parameters And Related Details Automatically As Sms To Concerned Railway Officials Immediately After Finishing Of Preheating. It Shall Be Possible To Send This Sms Simultaneously Up To 10 Mobile N Umbers. Warranty Period: 24 Months After The Date Of Delivery At Welding Equipment Cap Pre Heating System Compressed Air Blower Machine Fitted With Data Transmitter Technology As Per Clause 1 0.1.Iv Of Irs T 19-2021 The Compressed Air Blower Shall Have Facility To Record And Save The Preheating Parameters Viz. Pressure And Time, Firm Detai Ls, Welder Details And Weld Location Details For A Particular Weld Along With Facility To Send These Preheating Parameters And Related Details Automatically As Sms To Concerned Railway Officials Immediately After Finishing Of Preheating. It Shall Be Possible To Send This Sms Simultaneously Up To 10 Mobile N Umbers. Warranty Period: 24 Months After The Date Of Delivery At Welding Equipment Cap Pre Heating System Compressed Air Blower Machine Fitted With Data Transmitter Technology As Per Clause 1 0.1.Iv Of Irs T 19-2021 The Compressed Air Blower Shall Have Facility To Record And Save The Preheating Parameters Viz. Pressure And Time, Firm Detai Ls, Welder Details And Weld Location Details For A Particular Weld Along With Facility To Send These Preheating Parameters And Related Details Automatically As Sms To Concerned Railway Officials Immediately After Finishing Of Preheating. It Shall Be Possible To Send This Sms Simultaneously Up To 10 Mobile N Umbers. Warranty Period: 24 Months After The Date Of Delivery At Welding Equipment Cap Pre Heating System Compressed Air Blower Machine Fitted With Data Transmitter Technology As Per Clause 1 0.1.Iv Of Irs T 19-2021 The Compressed Air Blower Shall Have Facility To Record And Save The Preheating Parameters Viz. Pressure And Time, Firm Detai Ls, Welder Details And Weld Location Details For A Particular Weld Along With Facility To Send These Preheating Parameters And Related Details Automatically As Sms To Concerned Railway Officials Immediately After Finishing Of Preheating. It Shall Be Possible To Send This Sms Simultaneously Up To 10 Mobile N Umbers. Warranty Period: 24 Months After The Date Of Delivery At Welding Equipment Cap Pre Heating System Compressed Air Blower Machine Fitted With Data Transmitter Technology As Per Clause 1 0.1.Iv Of Irs T 19-2021 The Compressed Air Blower Shall Have Facility To Record And Save The Preheating Parameters Viz. Pressure And Time, Firm Detai Ls, Welder Details And Weld Location Details For A Particular Weld Along With Facility To Send These Preheating Parameters And Related Details Automatically As Sms To Concerned Railway Officials Immediately After Finishing Of Preheating. It Shall Be Possible To Send This Sms Simultaneously Up To 10 Mobile N Umbers. Warranty Period: 24 Months After The Date Of Delivery

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