Bidding Tender - 25144609



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Supply of LAB EQUIPMENTS AND LAB CHEMICALS - Stalagmometer , Ostwald Viscometer , Refractometer , Melting Point Apparatus , Vacuum Pump , UV Visible Spectrophotometer Double Beam , Inverter 1200VA24volt , Battery 150Ah 12Volt for Inverter , Water Bath 6 hole double layer , Digital Balance with Windshield 1mg to above , Pyknometer , Colorimeter , Weight Box , Hot Plate , Refrigerator 200ltr , Magnetic Stirrer with magnetic bead , Hot Air Oven 14x14 , Burette 50 ml , Burette Stand , Pipette 5 ml , Pipette pump , Thermometer , Funnel , Conical Flask 250 ml , Beaker Borosilicate 500 ml , Test tubes , Round bottom flask 250 ml , Separating funnel 250 ml , Sodium Hydroxide 500 gm , Disodium salt EDTA 100 gm , Eriochrome Black T 100 gm , Droppers , D-Glucose 100 gm , D-Fructose100 gm , D-galactose 10 gm , Petroleum Ether 500 ml , Isopropyl Alcohol 500 ml , Sodium Chloride 500 gm , Calcium Carbonate 500 gm , Sodium Sulphate 500 gm , Hydrochloric Acid 2.5 litre , Butylated Hydroxyl Toluene 100 ml , Hexane 5 litre , Ethyl Acetate 2.5 litre , Glacial Acetic Acid 2.5 litre , Formic Acid 500 ml , Trisodium Citrate 250 gm , Sodium Carbonate 500 gm , Copper Sulpate 250 gm , Cupric Acetate 100gm , Benedicts reagent 500 ml , Picric acid 100 gm , Potassium Iodide 500 gm , Iodine Solution 5 litre , Potassium hydrogen phosphate 500 gm , Glycerol 100 ml , Bovine Serum Albumin , Glycine 500 gm , Aspartic acid 500 gm , Glutamic acid 100 gm , Leucine 500 gm , Phenolphthalein indicator , Potassium di chromate 1 kg , Sodium thiosulphate 500 gm , Carbon tetra chloride 1 litre , Starch 500 gm , Salicylic Acid 100 gm , Pyridine 100 ml , Actylchloine 100 ml , Cyclohexanol 500 ml , Ethyl methyl ketone 500 ml , Cyclohexanone 500ml , Benzaldehyde 5 litre , Acetophenone 250 gm , Isobutyl alcohol 250 gm , Acetyl acetone 500 ml , Fluorescein dye 100 gm , Methylene Blue 250 gm , o-Amino phenol 25 gm , Test Tube stand 20 test tube each , TLC Chamber small

» Get complete Support to submit Tender Bid.
» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.