Bidding Tender - 25600303



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Supply Of Tools And Tackles For De710 And Cs14c Drill Machines - Hw Casing 3.0 Mtrs Long - Hqwl Inner Tube Assy. 3.00 Mtrs. Long, Bqwl Inner Tube Assy, 3.00 Mtrs Long, Nqwl Drill Rod 3.0 Mtrs Long, Bw Casing 0.6 Mtrs Long, Bw Casing 1.5 Mtrs Long, Bw Casing 3.0 Mtrs Long, Hqwl Core Barrel Assy. 3.00 Mtrs. Long, Nqwl Core Barrel Assy. 3.00 Mtrs. Long, Bqwl Drill Rod 1.5 Mtrs Long, Bqwl Drill Rod 3.0 Mtrs Long, Bqwl Drill Rod 0.6 Mtrs Long, Bq Inner Tube Stabilizer, Bq Landing Ring, Bq Stop Ring, Bqwl Core Barrel Assy. 3.00 Mtrs. Long, Bqwl Core Lifter Case, H-H3 Compression Spring, Hq Adapter Coupling, Hq Inner Tube Stabilizer, Hq Landing Ring, Hq Locking Coupling, Hard Metal Welded, Hq Overshot Repair Kit, Nq Adapter Coupling, Nq Inner Tube Stabilizer, Nq Landing Ring, Nq Locking Coupling, Hard Metal Welded, Nqwl Core Lifter Case, Nqwl Inner Tube Assy, 3.00 Mtrs Long, Water Swivel Repair Kit, Bq Core Lifter, Bq Overshot Repair Kit, Hqwl Core Lifter, Hqwl Core Lifter Case, Nq Overshot Repair Kit, Nqwl Core Lifter, Nw Hoisting Plug, Nw Water Swivel, Heavy Duty, Box Type, Thread Bw, Bq Locking Coupling, Hard Metal Welded, Hqwl Drill Rod 1.5 Mtrs Long, Nqwl Drill Rod 1.5 Mtrs Long, Hqwl Drill Rod 0.6 Mtrs Long, Hqwl Drill Rod 3.0 Mtrs Long, Hw Casing 0.6 Mtrs Long -2100000923, Hw Casing 1.5 Mtrs Long -2100000922, Nqwl Drill Rod 0.6 Mtrs Long, Nw Casing 1.5 Mtrs Long, Bq Retaining Ring, Hq Retaining Ring, Hq Stop Ring, Hqwl Overshot Assy., Nq Retaining Ring, Nq Stop Ring, Nqwl Overshot Assy., Adaptor Bq -Box To Bw Casing -Pin, Bw Hoisting Plug, Bw Water Swivel, Heavy Duty, Box Type, Thread Bw, Nw Casing 0.6 Mtrs Long, Nw Casing 3.0 Mtrs Long, Bqwl Overshot Assy., Bq Adapter Coupling

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