Bidding Tender - 25656228



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Supply of Lab Consumables - Amoeba,Paramecium Hydra , Slides of stages of Mitosis Meiosi , MENDELIAN CROSSES , LIVER FLUKE , Ascaris , Leach , Earth worm , entamoba , Honey bee , xero phytic Animals , Snale , Star fish , Labeo , Frog , Lizard , Prawn , Piegon , Human Heart , Excerotary system Man , Nervo system , External Marphology of Earth worm,frog ,cockroach , T S Blesetula Permanent slides , TS OF TESTES OVERY , SPECIMEN IN JARS OR CHARTS , Marchantia and Funaria , PINUS MALE FEMALE , Lichens , Specimen slides of , Oscillatoria , spirogyra , Rhizopus , yeast , covex Lens , concave Miror , convex Miror , ohms Law appartus , DC BATTERY , Metre Bridge , Rheostate , Telescope , Voltmeter , Zener Diode , Potentiometer , Transistors , Glass slabs , Prism , Sonometer , HOOKS LAWAPP , Galvanometer , Ammeter , simple pendulium , MAGNET BAR , Inclined planes , Pully bolcks , Tunning fork , vernier calliper , Battery eliminator , Daniel Cell , compass , Thermometer , Digital Blanace , spring balance , Multi meter , Gas Jar , whatman filter paper , fine capilary tube , glass rods jar cover , BEAKER LARGE , BEAKER SMALL , funnel , china dishes , wire guage , burner , tripod stand , test tubes , test tube stand , litmus paper , pipette , burrete stand , oxadic acid , Acetone , Ammonia , COBALT II NICKEL II , Rubeanic acid spray reagent , Ethyl alchohol , Ammonium sulphate crystal , H2SO4 , Pottasium sulphate , Aluminum sulphate , Ammonium hydrooxide , Pottasium permangnate , sodium , iodine , ferric chloride , sodium nitrate , Hcl , NANO3 , NA04 , chloroform , Alcoholic castic potash , Sodium bisulphate , NAN02

» Get complete Support to submit Tender Bid.
» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.