Bidding Tender - 31445008



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Comprehensive Operation & Maintenance Of Civil & Electromechanical Assets Such Elevated Service Reservoirs E.S.R, Hglr, Sump, Chemical House, Staff Quarters, Pump House, All Bulk Transmission And Distribution Pipelines, Valves, Pumping Machinery & Electrical Equipment Etc. For The Rajula Rwss Water Supply Scheme/S, Including Supply Of 22.01 Mld Potable Water To All The 2 Habitations/61 Villages/1 Towns For 36 Months Period. Taluka: Rajula, Jafrabad, District: Amreli Based On Gwil Nc-5.Excluding Supply Of Pac, Bleaching Powder And Chlorine Gas

» Get complete Support to submit Tender Bid.
» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.