Bidding Tender - 31600430



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Supply And Configuration Of Trans-Receiver Hand Held 5 Watt Digital Vhf Set Along With Two Oem Approved Rechargeable Battery Including One As Spare, Quick Battery Charger, Helical Antenna And Belt Clip Conf Orming To Rdso Specification No.-Rdso/Spn/Tc/107/2018 Rev.0.0 With Additional Requirements: - 1 Spot Fr Equencies 161.150 Mhz And Configurable As Per Consignee Requirement, 2 Technical Parameter Of Vhf Set Sh Ould Be As Per Cl 5-B Without Display Of Rdso Specification No.- Rdso/Spn/Tc/107/2018 Rev.0.0 With Follow Ing Special Feature - Operate In Both Analog / Digital Mode, It Should Switch Over To Analog / Digital Mode Automatic Ally As Per Received Signal Irrespective Of Presently Selected Mode Analog/Digital, 3 Battery Type -Li-Ion, 4 Ba Ttery Capacity - Minimum 2300 Mah, 5 One Number Of Tuning Kit With Software To Program Shall Be Provided Fo R Each Consignee, 6 Spare Antenna For Vhf Set-10 Percent Of Total Vhf Set Quantity Antenna Shall Be Provided As Spare, 7 Warranty- A For Radios And Quick Battery Charger 5 Years, B For Battery Packs Shall Be For 1Year. Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery

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