Bidding Tender - 31614839



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Supply of 25Watt Vhf Digital Radio Set With Suitable Smps Power Supply Unit, Antenna And Antenna Cable As Per Rdso/Spn/Tc/107/2018 Ver 2 Or Later, 1 Frequency Range 146 To 174 Mhz, 2 Technical Parameter As Per Clause 5 D Of Aforesaid Rdso Specification. 3Cable Length To Be Supplied 30 Mtr, Rg 217 Low Loss Cable. 4 S Mps Float & Boost Charging Mode Shall Be Of Min. 15 A Output And Suitable For Charging 12 V/120 Ah Capacity Battery Along With Programming Kit-2 Nos With Software One No., Spot Frequency 147.975 Mhz. Firm Must Submit Compliance Sheet As Per Rdso Specification As Well As Documents Related To As Per Of Rdso Specs, Di Gital Protocol Shall Be Etsi Dmr Open Standard, And Oem Should Be Category-1 Manufacturer Status Membe R Of Dmr Association & As Per Of Rdso Specs, Set Shall Have Iop Certification Issued By Dmr Associati On . Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery

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For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.