Bidding Tender - 31623219



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Auction Sale Of Furniture Machineriesequipment Cookingarticles And Other Items                    !#$%& *+,  -#&../#*0#!1.& 2*+3 4 5 !.%& *+ 6 !#%.%& 7  !#$$1 #& 89*+3 : &.;#;#*0$1 #& 8*+3 8 $<.&$1 #& 8*+3 9  &##*0 %$1 #& :*+3 2  <#.&$<., *+3  .&!<*  .#01#*0!$ . 4*+3   #* %.& *+3 ,  51#!$ . #1$1 #*>!<*. 4 ..1<*.!. 4*+3 6 ?@Abcdecfgfhceijjkcklmhn, *+3 7 $ !15</ :  %<$O 67*+3 8  < #$! *##P.&%#!.*!.& *+3 9 -<%#*0$ *<QR.*S, *+3 2 ?T@Utbcevldgwlx,  $ *<Q,   Q <<%$<.& 5. 9*+3, ,  Yu@Yu@Z@Abc\Xkhcihxi *+, 4  &.!!^5.%!1..>#<  *+3, 6 $<#&5.% 66*+3, 7 %&< !#$  47*+3, : 5 $O5< &% #1! *%, *+3, 8  <<%.*!<< :*+3, 9 -#&! #%5</ 8*+3, 2  &0.-& . *+3     4 %< &!#*0.%.$O<;.* *+ 4 5&. %<% #1. % 8*+3 4,  5#!$#& Q, 6*+3 44  O0&<*%$ O.<% 9*+3 46 O0&<*%$ O.<% 7*+3   47  * !<*#$#/.& *+3 4: 1##!#/.& 2*+3 48 5& !!#&<*5</ :*+3 49 ..$&#$#&<*5</ 4*+3 42 .%!< & *.&* #15< &% *+ 6  .&-#.&! #*.!!!..46&, *+3 6  1#&<<&.-&#0.& <& *+ 6,   * !<*#$- /.`#.* 64 5<!$1 *0.0&#*          ! #$%& * $%& +, - %&  . /$0$1#$11#+, 2 &%$/ +, ! 3$$41/ ., ! //3%1  !+ 56789:;<8 >?8@A !B C678 D8 >?8@A !  !!    !* E#0%  !- 4 !. BE1&$0% !2 % * %%& *  2, *+ %&  *B 400$&4& +, * 1& *! 1&4 , ** $ *- F414%3&4/  G HI  *. 1 , *2 $4404E *, - J Klm;Kl8@:N8o8 Pj?8Q68r8s  - J Klm;Kl8@:N8o8 Pj?8Qc8t8s -+ J Klm;Kl8@:N8o8 Pj?8Q5s -B Be1$44&U$% B, - & +, -! &$%$ *, -* & --  +, -. $1$ +, -2 $04E , . /00 ., . &$$ B, .+ E/  .B         !# $ %&    !*# + , %,  +# - ./, . !# 0 & . !$# 1 , %,  * %% !0#   2 3  4   %5 $# !! 6, .,  %% !0789# ! %& , 6  ! !$  %% !789# ! :%; !$# !+ 6%%  !# 

» Get complete Support to submit Tender Bid.
» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.