Bidding Tender - 31636159



Tender Bidding Support

We provide Tender Bidding Support for Supply of Push Pull Rod For Wap7/Wag9 Loco As Per Clw Drg. No. 1209.01.113.006 Alt-5 O R Latest Consist Of 1 Flange As Per Clw Drg. No. 1209.01.113.007 Alt-7 Or Latest, Qty. 02 Nos. 2 Welding Tube As Per Clw Drg. No. 1209.01.313.008 Alt-4 Or Latest, Qty. 01 Nos. 3 P Late As Per Clw Drg. No. 1209.01.313.009 Alt-Nil Or Latest, Qty. 04 Nos. 4 Sealing Plate A S Per Clw Drg. No. 1209.01.313.010 Alt-Nil Or Latest, Qty. 02 Nos. Note: I Push Pull Rod Fl Ange Hole Size Should Be As Per Rdso Smi No. Rdso/2006/El/0241 Rev.0 Dated 24.10.06. Ii Dpt & Mpt Testing To Be Done As Per Rdso Letter No. El/3.1.35/12 Dated 15.09.2017. Warranty Period: 30 M Onths After The Date Of Delivery

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