Eligibility Criteria - 25655314


Check Eligibility Criteria

Check your eligibility criteria for tender Supply of Different Microcontroller,Processor Training and Development Platform , X-ray film flatbed scanner , SMD Technology Kit , IOT TRAINER KIT , Intel Edison with Arduino Breakout Board , Sensor Trainer Kit , Multiple Output DC regulated power supply , Re-Speaker , Intel Edison , Air Quality Monitor , EElectrical Safety Trainer , Analog Component Trainer , Digital microscope , FPGA Development Kit , Raspberry Pi 4 , Hand Drill Machine , Bluetooth Development Kit , Load Cell , LinkIt ONE , VTS Tracking system , Samsung Artik Development Board 053s , Raspberry Pi Cluster HAT , Wireless accelerometer , Tools makers vice , Bench Vice , Arduino MKR 1000 Wi-Fi , Sense Hat for Raspberry Pi , CO2 SENSOR MODULE , LoRa Gateway, Sensor Module Set , Arduino Genuino 101 , Tools maker vice 50mm , Arduino Zero , Raspberry Pi Compute Dev Kit , MH-Z14 INFRARED CARBONDIOXIDE SENSOR , First Aid Kit , COMBO PH ELECTRODE PROBE , OBLU Footprint Navigation System , Capacitor box , 3 DOF accelerrometer LSM9DS0 , 3 DOF accelerrometer ADXL362 , 3 DOF Gyroscope LSM9DS0 , Raspberry Pi PoE HAT , Digital Multimeter , Nova PM Sensor SDS011 , Air Quality Sensor , IoT Mote , TFT LCD , SMF Batteries 12V , SDS011 LASER PARTICLE AND DUST SENSOR , ESP- Eye , EMG MUSCLE SIGNAL SENSOR V3 , Lithium Polymer 3 Cell , REES52 Arduino Compatible IOT kit , Particle Photon , Temperature and Relative Humidity probe , XBee Pro S2C , XBee Explorer Dongle , 89S51,89S52 Microcontroller Development KIT , ST Stm32 Stm32F4 Stm32F407 MCU Discovery Board , Stepper motor -12 v , REES52 NX3224T028 2.8 Inch HMI Smar , ARMtronix LoRa WAN 5V DC , Raspberry Pi Camera Module , TFT LCD Display , Due AT91SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 Board , ECG module with 5 probe , Arduino XBee Shield Original , UNO R3 Development Board ATmega328P ATmega16U2 , pH Electrode probe , Dust Sensor , Bench Vice - 100 mm , Resistor Box , EKG,EMG Shield for Arduino , SKG13BL GPS receiver module , SR401P Metal Gear Digital Servo , ATMEL 8051 Quick Starter Development Board , Finger Print Module R305 , CJMCU-811 CCS811 MONITORING INDOOR AIR QUALITY , Continuity tester , Servo Motor-5 kg Torque , 10DOF 3AXIS GYRO,ACCELERATION, MAGNETOMETER , AIR PRESSURE , 5MP RASPBERRY PI NOIR NIGHT VISION CAMERA , Xbee S2c , lot 868MHz, 100mW sx1276 chip , BT Headsets , Solar powered power bank , Optical fingerprint sensor , Thermoelectric Peltier Module , AD8232 ECG SENSOR , Smartphone based Glucometer sensor , Servo Motor-1 kg Torque , Force Sensor , Pressure Sensor

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