Eligibility Criteria - 31253817


Check Eligibility Criteria

Check your eligibility criteria for tender Supply of Cervical Traction Unit - Microcontroller Based, Static, Intermittent And Combi Modes Specially Designated Gear Box To Give Long Life To The Unit, Reliable And Durable Heavy Duty Motor Lcd Display, Timer, Patient Safety Switch Weight 5-45Kgs, Hold Time : 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 Sec And Rest Time : 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 Sec

» Get complete Support to submit Tender Bid.
» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.