Eligibility Criteria - 31255187


Check Eligibility Criteria

Check your eligibility criteria for tender Supply of Set Of Special Tools For M/S Elgi Air Compressor Model Rr20100 Cg M Ob One Set Consisting Of 1 Ring Of Gauge 127 Dia As Per Elgi Pt. No. 020482550 Qty/Set: 01 No. 2 Ring Gauge 100 Dia As Per Elgi Pt. No 00415240 Qty/Set: 01 No. 3 Cat Nut Cum Valve Tool As Per Elgi Pt. No. 000328120 Qty/Set: 01 No.4 Unloader Valve Cap Nut Torque Tool As Per Elgi Pt. No. 070409930 Qty/Set: 01 No. 5 Valve Cap Nut Torque Tool As Per Elgi Pt. No. 070409940 Qty/Set: 01 No. 6 Valve Pluge Torque Tool As Per Elgi Pt. No.070409960 Qty/Set: 01 No. Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery

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For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.