Eligibility Criteria - 31538492


Check Eligibility Criteria

Check your eligibility criteria for tender Manufacture And Supply Of Fittings For Level Crossing For Wider Psc Sleepers For 60 Kg Uic Rail And 52 Kg Check Rails For 25 T Axle Load To Rdso Drg No- T-8671 With Latest Alteration And As Per Assembly Drg No. T-4916 With Latest Alteration As Amended Up To Date 01 Set Consists Of C I Bracket To Drg.No.T- 8227- 02 Nos. C I Distance Bracket To Drg.No. T-4785 - 02 Nos And M. S Bolt And M.S Nuts To Drg.No. T-11550-02 Nos Plate Scre W Drg.No. T-3913-04 Nos . Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery

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