Eligibility Criteria - 31674689


Check Eligibility Criteria

Check your eligibility criteria for tender Supply Of Inj Lignocaine, Tab Apixabin, Inj Tt, Tab Azithromycin 500Mg, Tab Azithromycin 250Mg, Tab Pantop 40Mg, Tab Urimax 0.4Mg, Tab Montec-Lc, Syrup Bromhexine, Isabagul Husk, Tab Levocetrizine 5Mg, Tab Augmentin 625Mg, Oint Clotrimazole, Syrup Lactulose, Calamine Lotion, Povidone Iodine Mouth Gargles, Tab Pregabalin 75Mg, E D Cmc, E D Flubiprofen, Tab Lasix, Chlorhexidine Mouth Wash, Inj Dopamine, Inj Adrenaline, Inj Lorazepam, Inj Levetiracetam, Inj Neurobion, Ryles Tube Size 14Fg 16Fg 18Fg 20Fg, Cholesterol Reagent, Glucose Diluent, Malaria Antigen Kit, Clove Oil, Duolin Respules, Mouth Ulcer Gel, Leekuf Cough Lozenges, Knee Cap, Ecg Roll 120Mm X 20M, Chest Seal Dressing, Volini Spray, Ketoconazole Shampoo, Ssd Cream, No Piles Ointments, Suture Material Silkus Size 3 Point Zero, Nasal Drop Normal Saline

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