GeM Registration - 31188368



GeM Registration

GeM Registration for tender Supply of LVDT Trainer , Thermistor Trainer , RTD Thermocouple Trainer , Strain Gauge Trainer , Pressure Trainer , Photo Electric Sensor Trainer , Stepper Motor Trainer , Temperature Controller Trainer , Water level Measurement using Strain Gauge , Speed Measurement using Hall Effect Sensor , Water Flow Measurement System , Proximity Sensor Trainer , Maxwell s Bridge Trainer , Kelvin s Double Bridge Trainer , Wheatstone s Bridge Trainer , Logic Gates Trainer , PROPAGATION DELAY FOR GATES , Adder and Subtractor trainer kit , 4 Bit Binary Adder Subtractor Trainer , Multiplexer Demultiplexer Trainer , Flip Flop Trainer , Analog to Digital Converter Trainer , Digital to Analog Converter Trainer , Arithmetic Logic Unit Trainer , Logic Gates Using Universal Gates , SUM OF PRODUCT and PRODUCT OF SUM Trainer , Counter Trainer , Op amp Application Trainer , Measurements of op amp parameters , Op amp as function generator , Op amp frequency response , Active filter using op amp , V to I and I to V converters , Op amp instrumentation amplifier , Diode Transistor clipper and clamper , Half Wave Full Wave Bridge Rectifier , Digital Trainer , Analog Trainer , Advance analog cum Digital Trainer Kit , Kirchoff s Law Ohm s Law Kit with Meter , Network Theorem Trainer , Transient study of RC RL RLC circuit , Series and parallel resonance , Digital Storage Oscilloscope SMO1002 , Digital Multimeters Specifications , Computer Interface Unit

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» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

GeM Registration Process

Services for GeM

Required Document for GeM

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.