GeM Registration - 31578390



GeM Registration

GeM Registration for tender Supply Of Critical Spares - Thermal Protection Kirwan, Humidity Sensor Rotronic, Electronics Thermostat Eliwel, Electro Mechanical Relay, Solenoid Valve Evr25, Solenoid Valve Evr15, Solenoid Valve Evr10, Thermostatic Expansion Valve Alco, Thermostatic Expansion Valve Te55, Thermostatic Valve Body, Thermostatic Valve Te5, Nozzle Thermostatic Valve Orifice 4, Nozzle Thermostatic Valve Te12, Fuse Thermostat, Drain Pump, Level Switch Float Switch, For Att Make Climatic Chamber

» Get complete Support to submit Tender Bid.
» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

GeM Registration Process

Services for GeM

Required Document for GeM

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.