GeM Registration - 31629501



GeM Registration

GeM Registration for tender Supply of Set Of 304 Grade Stainless Steel Electrical Hot Water Sterilization Dual Chamber And Storage Unit As P Er Following Specifications: 1 Electrical Hot Water Sterilization Chamber, 2 Kw Power, With 2 Feet Stand And Chamb Er Dimensions Of 3 Feet Length X 2 Feet Width And 1.8 Feet Depth Made Of 1.2 Mm 304 Grade Stainless Steel Sheet, 15 Mm Square Hollow Pipes, 40 Mm Square Hollow Pipes Of Same Material With Dual Space For Sterilizing With Cust Om Made Metal Grating Sliding Baskets With Bakelite Handles Each Capacity Of 6 Cubic Feet With Temperature Contr Ol Thermostat And Safety Auto Cut Off - 1 Nos, 2 Storage Unit Made Of 1.2 Mm 304 Grade Stainless Steel Sheet, 40 Mm Square Hollow Pipes Of Same Material Of Overall Size 60 Inches Length X 60 Inches Height X 24 Inches Width Wi Th 4 Nos Racks Of 60 Cubic Feet Storage And Retrieval Space- 1 No. Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery

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GeM Registration Process

Services for GeM

Required Document for GeM

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.