Supply of Talc Roll 100 Mtr , Lamination Sheet A4 Size , Staler Permanent Pen Blue , Drawing Sheet White , Spiral Binding Ring 20mm , Spiral Binding Cover Sheets FS Size , Spiral Binding Cover Sheets A4 Size , 1 Inch Double Sided Adhesive Foam 3M Attachment Tape 4 Meter
Supply of Auto Adhesive Tape Kapton, Size 0.076 X 50 Mm. In Roll Of 33 Mtr, Clws Spec . No. 4Tms 096.097 Alt-1 Str No. Clw/Tm/173 Rev-2 Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Da Te Of Delivery Quantity Tolerance +/-: 5 %Age, Item Category : Normal, Total Po Value Variation Permitt Ed: Max 8 Lacs
Supply Of Plain Copier Paper V3 Isi Marked To Is 14490 Q4, Box File Q4, Flat - File With Normal & Cobra Clips Bhel Q4, Desk Pads - Writing V2 Q4, File Board Q4, Book Page Separator Q4, Register V2 Q4, Glue Stick V2 Q4, Photography Paper V2 Q4, Transparent Tape V2 Q4, Highlighter Pen Q4, Binding Punch Machine Q3, Ball Point Pens V2 As Per Is 3705 Q4, Fluid Correction Pen V2 Q4, Black Lead Pencils V2 As Per Is 1375 Q4, File Folder Cover V2 Q4, Self Adhesive Flags V2 Q4, Knife Blades Q4, Metric Scales Plastic For General Purposes As Per Is 1480 Q4, Staplers V2 Q3, Stapler Pin / Staples V2 Q4, Permanent Marker Pen Q4, Rollerball Pen V3 Q4, Correspondence Envelopes V2 Q4, Packaging Tape Q4, Ring Binder - File Folder Q4, Report Cover Q4
Supply Of Refill For Automatic Air Freshener 250Ml Pack, Rat Sticking Gel, Brown Sheet Laminated, Paint Roller 4 Inch, Paint Roller 7 Inch, Paint Roller 12 Inch, Distemper White Isi Mark, Paint Brush 4 Inch, Paint Brush 2 Inch, Soap Toilet, Tape Transparent 2 Inch, Aqua Bound Putty, Cement Rapid Hardening, M Seal, Candle Wax Dia 19 Mm, Anti Rust Spray, Tape Transparent 1 Inch, Toilet Paper, Tape Insulation 25 Mm Steel Grip Isi Mark, Photo Copier Paper Size 210 X 297 Mm A4 80 Gsm, Paint Interthane 990 Signal Green, Anti Cockraoch Gel, Alkaline Battery 1Decimal 5 V Lr 6, Jerry Can 20 Ltrs, Can Plastic 10 Ltrs Capacity, Synthetic Foot Mat 3 X 2 Feet, Tape Transparent Wproof Self Adhesive Cellulose Film 38 Mm Wd, Varnish, Polythene Film Length 122 Width 18 Thk 0 Decimal 007
Supply Of Anti Cockroach Gel Or Chalk, Baygon Spray, 9 Volt Battery, Bucket Plastic 15 Ltrs, Araldite Adhesive, Cloth Bunting Red 57 Width, Cloth Bunting Green 57 Width, Bucket Plastic 20 Ltrs Capacity, Brush Steel Wire, Bleaching Powder Stabilised, Refill For Automatic Air Freshner 250 Ml, Mosquito Repellent Gel Odomos, Fiber Dust Brush, Urinal Screen Mats, Mosquito Repellent Machnie With Liquid, Paint Brush 4 Inch, Paint Brush 2 Inch, Paint Roller 9 Inch, Paint Roller 6 Inch, Spray Hand Liquid Insecticide, Envelopes Cloth Coated 12X16, Envelopes 6X12, Envelopes Size 4 Inch X10 Inch, Brown Sheets Laminated, Photocopier Paper 215 Mm X 342 Mm Full Scape, Distemper White Isi Mark, Xerox Paper Sizes 210 X 297 Mm A4 80 Gsm, Paint Roller 4 Inch, Paint Roller 7 Inch 177 8Mm Artificial Fur And Handle, Paint Roller 12 Inch, Paper Napkin, M Seal Or Equivalent, Candle Wax, Tape Transparent, Xerox Paper 80 Gms 420 X 297 Mm A3, Safety Gloves, Teflon Tape, Wonder Tape 2, Antirust Spray, Tape Transparent 2, Cleaning Bar For Utensils 500 Gms, Scrubber With Long Handle, Scrub Pads 3 X 4, Super Mop Refills, Polish Metal Brass, Duster Cloth, Rags Cotton Coloured, Cotton Waste, Blue Laundry Isi Mark, Brush Sweeping Hand, Heat Resistant Gloves For Galley, Rubber Latex Long Gloves, Soap Hand Yellow, Paint Brush Half Inch 13Mm, Paint Brush 1 Inch, Sand Paper Isi Mark, Rope Polypropylene 6Mm Isi Mark, Polythene Bag 14 X 20 X 75 Micron, Oil And Greaser Remover, Fevicol
Supply Of Seal Kit, Part No.Eea0016673, Seal Kit, Part No.Eea0018586, Power Contactor, 550V, 300A, Isolator On Off, 200A, Potential Transformer, 80Va, Flood Light Complete Set, Led, 240V, 50W, Intrinsically Safe And Bis Certified Audio Visual Alarm With Dgms Approved, Men In Position Switch Foot Switch, Auxiliary Contact, 24V 2No Plus 2Nc, Auxiliary Contact 110V, Thermal Overload Relay, 80A To 110A, Chaser Vice Bench 50Mm, Cast Steel Rising Sluice Valve, Size 6Inch, Flat Cable, 1.1Kv, 3C, Copper, Pvc, 50Mm2, Flexible Cable, 1.1Kv, 6C, Copper, Pvc, 1.5Mm2, Discharge Rod, 11Kv, 2Mtr Long With Pvc Handgrip, Insulating Rubber Mat, 33Kv, 3 Inch X 6 Inch X 0.5 Inch, Blow Down Valve, Cast Steel, Flanged Type, 2.5In With Ibrtc, Pressure Gauge, 0 To 300Psi, 10 Inch Dia, Pvc Adhesive Tape, 1 Inch X25mtr Per Roll, Pvc Non Adhesive Tape, 1 Inch X25mtr Per Roll, Ms Stud, 12Mmx125mm Withdouble Nut, M.S.Bend 6 Inch, 90Degree Bend, Length 1Mtr, Wall Thickness 6Mm Plus Minus 10 Percent, Cleaner Crc 226, 500Ml Pack, Cable Gland, Brass, 35Mm2, Cable Gland, Brass, 50Mm2, Cable Gland, Brass, 70Mm2, Turn Buckle, 10Ton Capacity, Bushing, Gm, 80Mm, 60Mm, 100Mm, Bushing Gm, 100.2Mm, 120Mm, 80Mm, Hose Assy Part No.623D02584092, Hose Assy Part No.623D02584111, Hose Assy, Part No.623D02584109, Digital Meggar Insulation Tester, 5000V
Supply Of Binder Clip 12 Mm - Binder Clips V2, Classroom Chairs, Sluice Valve For Water Works Purposes 50 To 1200 Mm Size V2 As Per Is 14846, Ring Binder - File Folder, Connection Pipe With Nuts V2, Special Proofed Canvas / Duck As Per Is 6803, Foot Rest, Open / Endoscopic Clip Applicator V2, Traffic Signs - Bilinker Light, Mechanically Woven, Double - Twisted, Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions, Revet Mattresses And Rock Fall Netting As Per Is 16014, Double Side Adhesive Tape 1” Tape - Double Sided Tape, Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes V2, Nylon Tape, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Plasticized Pvc Tapes With Nonthermosetting Adhesive As Per Is 7809 Part 3 / Section 1, Tape Dispensers, Permeable Nonwoven Surgical Adhesive Tape, Glass Mica Tape-Is :7809, Caution / Crime Scene Tape V2, Polymide Tapes, Taflon Tape As Per Is 14635, Envelope 6.5 X 4 Correspondence Envelopes - Correspondence Envelopes V2, Correspondence Envelopes V3 Conforming To Is 13892, Fabricated Pvc - U Fittings For Portable Water Supplies As Per Is 10124, Customised Envelopes, Zinc Oxide Elastic Self - Adhesive Bandage V2, Shoes School Pvc Boys Girls, Cotton Bandage Cloth V2, Elastic Bandage, The Multilayered Cross Laminated Sheets / Tarpaulins / Covers / Agricultural Films As Per Is 14611, Picket Steel As Per Dgs&D Drawing, Drawing Sheet Red - Methyl Red, Classroom Desking And Seating V2, Mild Steel Sheet, Rounded Letter Box, Drawing Trussels / Drawing Board Stand, Spherical Roller Bearing As Per Is 6455, Cresol Red Indicator, Disposable Bed Sheets For Health Care Facility, Geru / Red Ochre, Personal Safety Kit Reflective Luminous Garments, Drawing Sheet White - Drawing Trussels / Drawing Board Stand, Speed Post Envelope Large, White Soft Paraffin, Regulators For Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments Or Accessories, White Yam Seeds, Classroom Desking And Seating V2, Calcofluor White Stain, Galvanized Cr - 1 Iron Sheet Chest, Markers - White Board, Spherical Roller Bearing As Per Is 6455, Drawing Sheet Yellow - Metanil Yellow, Road Stud V2, Sunset Yellow, Food Grade - Is 1695, Regulators For Breathing Apparatus Diving Instruments Or Accessories, Drawing Trussels / Drawing Board Stand, Classroom Desking And Seating V2, Drawing Pin, Galvanized Cr - 1 Iron Sheet Chest, Drawing Exercise Book, Spherical Roller Bearing As Per Is 6455
Supply Of Dvd Rw Hp, Xerox Copier Paper Fs Size, Plotter Paper Roll 24, Cd Mailer, Highlighter Pen, Lamination Waterproof Sheet A4, Lamination Waterproof Sheet Legal Size, Rulled Register 2 Qr, Xerox Copier Paper A3 Size, Cd R, Plotter Paper Roll 36, Tag Cotton 8 Inch, Stapler 24 By 6 Kangaro Small, Fluid Correction Pen, Stapler Pin Big Size, Blank File Cover As Per Sample, Xerox Copier Paper A4 Size, Scissors Large, Envelop Clothlined 10 X14 Pkt Of 100, Calculator 12 Digit, Green Lace 72 Pcs Bdl, Ball Pen Maxwriter, Packaging Tape 2 Inch Transparent, Envelop Clothlined 12 X 16 Pkt Of 100, Rulled Register 1 Qr, Sponge Damper 10 Pcs Box, Eraser Apsara, V7 Luxor Hitecpoint Pilot Pen Blue, Rulled Register 4 Qr, Pencil Apsara, Box File, Glue Stick, Sticky Notes Pad 3 X5 Yellow 100 Sh, Punching Machine Kangaroo, Envelop 11 X 5 Pkt Of 100, Plastic Scale 12, Stapler 10 By4 Kangaro Big, Cello Tape 1 By 2 Different Colours, Stapler Pin Small, White Board Marker Pen, Card Sheet Yellow And Pink, Rulled Register 3 Qr, Paper Cutter Big, Envelop 9X4 White Pkt Of 100, Ohp Marker Pen, T Shape Paper Pins, Self Adhesive Flags, Glass Paper Weight 100 Gms, Envelop 6X4 White Pkt Of 100, Envelop Clothlined 10X4 Pkt Of 100, Paper Cutter Small, Gum Bottle 200 Gms, Gem Clip Plastic Coated, Steel Poker, Permanent Marker Pen, Omega Clip Board, Eclet Correction Tape 12 M X 5Mm, Talc Sheet Transparent, V7 Luxor Hitecpoint Pilot Pen And Red And Greenand Black, Ball Pen Maxwriter Red And Black, Add Gel Refill, Add Gel Pen Blue, Brown Tape 3 Inch Width 50Mtr Length, Sketch Pen Set, Excel Bond Paper 90 Gsm 100 Sh, Binder Clips 25Mm, Binder Clips 41Mm, Binder Clips 19Mm, Cloth Manjarpath For Packing, Cotton Thread Ball Pkt Of 10 Balls, Sutli Plastic, Pen Stand, Plastic Mug, Plastic Dust Bin, Note Pads Desk Pad, Towel Hand Turkish Napkin, Bucket Plastic 20Ltr, V5 Luxor Hitecpoint Pilot Pen Blue, Stamp Pad Self Inking Small, Stamp Pad Self Inking Big, Towel Big Turkish, Pencil Sharpner
Supply Of Measuring Tape 5 Mtr Metalic - Measuring Tape, Modular Electrical Switches And Accessories, Measuring Tape V2, Cap Fs Disruptive Jss, Head Circumference Measuring Tape V2 - Rbsk, Head Circumference Measuring Tape -Rbsk, Elastic Surgical Adhesive Tapes V2, Permeable Nonwoven Surgical Adhesive Tape, Digital Tachometer, Cotton Tape Newar As Per Is 1895, Dendrite Packed Of 0.5 Kg - Online Ups V2, Hydrochloric Acid As Per Is 265, Automatic Fire Ball For Fire - Extinguishing, Mustard And Rape Seed Oilcake As Livestock Feed Ingredient As Per Is 1932, Disposable Surgical Rubber Gloves - Prepowdered As Per Is 13422, Electronic Weighing Systems As Per Is 9281 Part I, Part Ii, Part Iii, Part Iv, Line Interactive Ups With Avr V2, Portable Convection Kerosene Heater, Digital Media Evaluation Educational Kit, Pp Plastic Woven Non - Laminated Bags For Seed Packaging V2, Foam Sheet 4 Ft X 8 Ft X 4 Mm Density 3.5 T - Non Sparking Double Ended Ring Spanner V2, Wild - Life Cages, Non Sparking Double Open Ended Spanner V2, Cyanide Distillation Apparatus, Portable Voice Recorder, Cap Fs Disruptive Jss, Combination Of Shower And Eye Wash As Per Is 10592, Mechanically Woven, Double - Twisted, Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions, Revet Mattresses And Rock Fall Netting As Per Is 16014, Drip - Leg Drain, Fog Light 12 Volt Dc - Dc Voltage Transducerbhel, Stationary Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries As Per Is 15549, Dc-Dc Conv Iso Smd 1W Op +12V 84Ma Bhel, Measuring Instrument Bhel, Surgical Isolation Faceshield, Sovp Device For Street Light Pole Mounted, Advance Fire Monitor V2, Electric Cables For Photovoltaic Pv Systems For Rated Voltage 1500 Volt D.C. Isi Marked To Is 17293, Breath Alcohol Analyzers, Plug In Relay For Heavy Coil Voltage 30V, 48V, 50V, 110V, 220V, And 250V Dc Bhel-Scr, Lt Wire 4 Mm 25 Mtr Roll - Xlpe Cable For Working Voltages Up To And Including 1.1 Kv As Per Is 7098 Part 1, Parallel Bar - Outdoor Gym Equipment, D And C Set, Modular Electrical Switches And Accessories, Cap Fs Disruptive Jss, Tapered Bearings As Per Is 12102, Pvc Insulated Heavy Duty Electric Cables, Aluminium Conductor As Per Is 1554 Part 1, Spherical Roller Bearing As Per Is 6455, Pvc Copper Cable Single Core And Multi Core Circular Sheathed Cord With Flexible Conductor V2 As Per Is 694, Cast Copper Alloy Screw Down Bib Taps And Stop Valves For Water Services As Per Is 781, Lt Wire 8 Mm 25 Mtr Roll - Tapered Bearings As Per Is 12102, Absorbent Cotton Wool, D And C Set, Spherical Roller Bearing As Per Is 6455, Cap Fs Disruptive Jss, Staplers V2, Cast Copper Alloy Screw Down Bib Taps And Stop Valves For Water Services As Per Is 781, Mechanically Woven, Double - Twisted, Hexagonal Wire Mesh Gabions, Revet Mattresses And Rock Fall Netting As Per Is 16014, Sterile Hypodermic Needles For Single Use V2, High Strength Deformed Steel Bars And Wires For Concrete Reinforcement V2 Isi Marked To Is 1786
Supply of Adhesive Glass Cloth Tape, Size: 0.14 X 19 Mm. Wide In Continuous Roll Of 30 M., As Per Clws Spec. No. 4Tms.096.026 Rev.-1, Clws Str No. Clw/Tm/12079/Str/Agct Rev. 0 Shelf Life 24 Months Warranty Period: 30 Months After The Date Of Delivery Quantity Tolerance +/-: 5 %Age, Item Category : Normal, Total Po Value Variation Permitt Ed: Max 8 Lacs
Supply Of Plain Copier Paper V3 Isi Marked To Is 14490 Q4, Rollerball Pen V3 Q4, Ink Refills V2 Q4, Stamp - Pad Ink As Per Is 393 Q4, Sketch Pen V2 Q4, Permanent Marker Pen Q4, Markers For White Board V2 Q4, Highlighter Pen Q4, Fluid Correction Pen V2 Q4, Black Lead Pencils V2 As Per Is 1375 Q4, Photography Paper V2 Q4, Staplers V2 Q3, Stapler Pin / Staples V2 Q4, Glue Stick V2 Q4, Paper Adhesive, Liquid Gum And Office Paste Type As Per Is 2257 Rev Q3, Metric Steel Scales V2 As Per Is 1481 Q4, Transparent Tape V2 Q4, Double Sided Tape Q4, Tape Dispensers V2 Q3, Self Adhesive Flags V2 Q4, Self Adhesive Paper Note Q4, Binder Clips V2 Q3, Correspondence Envelopes V2 Q4, File Board Q4, Ring Binder - File Folder Q4, Tags For Files V2 As Per Is 8499 Q4, Clips, Paper As Per Is 5650 Q4, Pins, Paper, Straight As Per Is 5653 Q4, Paper Weights Q4, Portable Sealed Rechargeable Single Cells - Nickel - Metal Hydride Rechargeable Batteries As Per Is 16048, 16046 Q3, Knife Blades Q4, Poker Or Awl As Per Is 10375 Q4, Scissors Q4
Supply Of Torch Cell Medium Size, Tube Fluoroscent Led Cfl, Cfl Lamp 230 V 11W Isi Mark, Battery Aa, Biodegradable Polythene Film Length 112 Width 18 Thick, Jerry Can 20 Ltrs, Can Plastic 10 Ltrs, Bag Gunny, Bleaching Powder Stabilised, Poly Vinyl Acetate Dispersion Based Adhesive, Paint Roller Refill 9 Inch, Paint Roller Refill 6 Inch, Lip Seal For Fire Hydrant, Dry Chemical Powder, Detergent Solution, Boric Powder, Rope Polypropylene 16Mm, Rope Polypropylene 20Mm, Solder Lead, Fluoroscent Tape Yellow 4 Inch, Desoldering Wire, Heat Shrink Sleeve, Cable Casing, Wire Connecting Lugs, Rj45 Connection
Supply Of Dvd, Envelope Cloth Coated 12X16 Inch, Envelope Cloth Coated 10X14 Inch, Envelope Cloth Coated 9X12, Envelope Size 10X14 Inch, Envelope Size 6X12 Inch, Envelope Size 4X10 Inch, Brown Sheet Laminated, Paint Roller 4 Inch, Photocopier Paper Size 210 X 297 Mm A4 80 Gsm, Photocoiper Paper 215 X 342 Mm, Paper Napkin, Telephone Cable 4 Core Flexible Isi Mark, Tape Transparent 2 Inch, Wonder Tape 2 Inch, M Seal, Candle Wax Dia 19Mm, Anti Rust Spray, Tape Transparent 1 Inch, Tape Insulation 25Mm Steel Grip Isi Mark, Alkaline Battery Aa 1.5 V Lr-6, Jerry Can 20 Ltrs, Can Plastic 10 Ltr Capacity, Varnish, Bag Gunny 27 X 21, Aqua Bond Putty, Wet Surface Putty, Rubber Latex Long Gloves, Cable Tie 6 Inch, Anti Cockroach Gel, Araldite Adhesive 180 Grms, Super Mop, Twine Sewing Medium Flax, Tape Adhesive Waterproof 25Mm Wide, Sand Paper, Gloves Leather A, Emery Cloth Abrasive Cloth Is Grit 36