Air Burner Tenders

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Ref. No #33853464 Central Government / Public Sector Live   GeM Tender

Supply Of Centre Table, Steel Almirha Large, Dinning Ch, Sofa Of Two Seater, Sofa Of Single Seater, Utility Table, Supply Of Single Bed, Key Box, Notice Board, Wooden Bed Side Rugs, Double Bed Storage Box, Wooden Bed Side Table, Study Table Compuer Table, Study Ch, Corner Table, Luggage Rack, Bed Side Table, Dining Table 4 Seater, Crockery Cabinet, Dressing Mirror, Dressing Stool Single Seat, Single Bed Sheet, Towel, Bed Cover Single, Soft Blanket Single Bed, Quilt Single, Mattresses Single Bed, Fibre Pillow, Curtain For Doors Full Length, Mattresses Double Bed, Double Bed Sheet Bleached White, Quilt Cover Of Single Bedding, Hand Towel Bleached White, Full Plates Bone China, Quarter Plate Bone China, Cups And Saucer Bone China, Curry Bowl China, Rice Plates Bone China, Donga With Lid Bone China, Soup Bowl With Spoon, Tea Spoons, Desert Knife, Desert Fork, Rice Spoon, Serving Spoon, Casseroles, Glass Water, Water Flask, Pressure Cooker, Water Jug, Serving Tray Plastic, Salt And Pepper, Coaster Plastic, Kadai Mild Steel, Patila Aluminium, Karchi Stainless Steel And Aluminum, Parat Big Size, Container, Masala Box, Idly Maker, Kitchen Knife, Kadai Aluminum, Hanger For Cloth, Ash Tray Bone China, Bath Mat Woolen, Coir Door Mat, Dust Bin, Ice Bucket, Table Mat, Bucket Plastic, Mug Plastic, Soap Case Plastic, Bathroom Stool, Pressure Regulator, Lpg Hose Pipe, Gas Pipe, Gas Stove Lpg, Table Spoon, Flower Pot Bass Bone China, Tea Set Bone China, Patila Aluminium Large, Jhara Iron Large, Chakla And Belan Wooden, Serving Tray, Tawa Iron, Egg Beater, Gas , Adjustable Regulator, Copper Pipe, Cloth Dryer Stand, Woolen Carpet, Dosa Tawa Big, Vegetable Rack, Vip Dinner Set Bone China, Veg Bowl, Fruit Basket, Dry Fruit Crystal, Dining Table Mats, Pvc Ch, Reception Ch, Toaster, Mixer Cum Juicer, Dosa Grinder, Circular Wall Clock, Alarm Clock, Emergency Light, Aqua Guard, Electric Iron, Voltage Stabilizer, Good Night Machine, Water Cooler Cooling, Insect Killer Machine, Shoe Shine Machine, Table Lamp, Reception Counter, Microwave Oven, Refrigerator, Deep Freezer, Split Conditioner, Heat Convector, Smart Led Colour Television, Dth Dish

Due Date
17 Feb, 2025
32.15 Lacs
Ref. No #33855700 Central Government/Public Sector Live   GeM Tender

Supply Of s, Sulphosalicylic Acid, Fouchet Reagent Ready To Use, Ehrlichs Aldehyde, Benzidine Powder, Hydrogen Peroxide Solution, Hutchisons Student Spirometer, Hot Oven, Jaeger Chart For Near Vision, Snellen Chart For Far Vision, Distilled Water, Abo Blood Group Antisera Kit, Rbc Diluting Fluid Bottle, Wbc Pipette, Rbc Pipette, N10 Hci, Surgical Spirit, Tooth Prick Stick Bundle, Watch Glass, Round Filter Paper Box, Small Size Dropper, Cedar Wood Oil, Lancet Box, Beaker, Potassium Permaganate, Pink Filter Paper Big Size, Glass Starrier For Hb, Glucose Kit, Total Protein Kit, Albumin Kit, Cholesterol Kit, Urea Kit, Hdlc Kit, Triglycerides Kit, Tbil Dbil Kit, Calcium Kit, Inorganic Phosphorous Kit, Ast Kit, Alt Kit, Alp Kit, Micropipette, Sulphur Powder, Sodium Chloride, Acetone, Sodium Hydroxide Pellets, Phenolphthalene, Silver Nitrate, Sodium Nitroprusside, Potassium Hydroxide, Methylene Blue Reagent, Bilirubin Powder, Bovine Albumin, Egg Albumin, Urea, Sodium Taurocholate, Methanol, Conc. Hn03, Conc. Hcl, Ammonium Hydroxide, Picric Acid Semisolid, Creatinine Powder, Eppendorf Tubes, Ph Paper Strip, Stainless Steel Spatula, Beaker Low Form With Spout, Plastic Dropping Bottle, Reagent Bottle Glass, Screw Cap Bottle, Transparent Fiber Glass Dropper, Blue Plastic Disposable Micropipettes Tips, Yellow Plastic Disposable Micropipettes Tips, White Plastic Disposable Micropipettes Tips, Sterile Distilled Water, Disposable Plastic Dropper, Hemocytometer, Sahlis Hemoglobinometer, Nutrient Agar, Soyaben Casein Dig. Agar, Albert Staining Kit 1 Kt, Glass Beaker, Measuring Cylinder, Flask Boiling Flat Bottom, Two Sector Petriplate Sterile Disposable, Permanent Cryogenic Marker Pen, Viral Transport Medium, Sterile Cotton Swab With Wooden Stick, Autoclavable Disposable Bag, H2s Test Strip Modify For Water Testing, Blood Culture Bottle With Bhi Adult, Blood Culture Bottle With Bhi Pediatric, Aluminum Foil, Disposable Petridish, Ast N405, Ast Gp 628, Ast N406, Ast St 03, Ast Yeast Ast Y508, Autoclavable Pipette, Autoclavable Pipette Tips, Cryotubes 1.8Ml, Early Ns1 Elisa For Dengue, Early Igm Elisa For Dengue, Gn Test Kit Vtk2, Gp Test Kit Vtk2, Hepatitis A Rapid, Hepatitis E Rapid, Leptospira Igm Elisa Igm, Suspension Solution, Unsensitised Tube, Uricol, Vibrio Cholerac Antisera, Yst Test Kit Vtk2, Sterile Cotton Swab In Polypropylone, Hiv Elisa, Hbsag Igm Elisa, Hcv Igm Elisa, Loop Holder, Sterile Disposable Petridish, Anerogen Pack, Macconkey Agar, Peptone, Bacteriological, S S Agar Selective Agar, Sabouraud Dextrose Agar, Susceptibility Test Amikacin, Susceptibility Test Ampicillin, Susceptibility Discs Aztreonam, Susceptibility Discs Cefepime, Susceptibility Discs Ceftazidime, Susceptibility Test Ceftriaxone, Susceptibility Test Gentamycin, Susceptibility Discs Imipenem, Susceptibility Discs Netilmi, Susceptibility Test Ofloxacin, Susceptibility Discs Vancom, Susceptibility Discs Nitrofur, Susceptibility Amoxyc, Susceptibility Ciproflo, Susceptibility Cefotaxiom, Susceptibility Tetracycline, Susceptibility Doxycycline, Susceptibility Levofloxacin, Susceptibility Clindamycin, Susceptibility Linezolide, Susceptibility Cefoperazone, Susceptibility Meropenam, Susceptibility Piperacillin, Susceptibility Cefazoline, Susceptibility Cefuroxime, Susceptibility Cefixime, Susceptibility Colositin, Susceptibility Chloramphenicol, Susceptibility Fosfpmycine, Co- Trimoxazole Sulpha, High Level Gentamicin, Polymixin B, Susceptibility Ketoconazole, Susceptibility Nystatin, Susceptibility Fluconazole, Susceptibility Amphotericin, Susceptibility Itraconazole, Susceptibility Miconazole, Susceptibility Clotrimazole, Susceptibility Novobiocin, Susceptibility Bacitracin, Susceptibility Optochin, Oxidase Discs, Muller Hinton Agar, Simmons Citrate Agar, Triple Sugar Iron, Phenylalanine Agar, Indian Ink, Kovac Iodole Regaent, Cover Slip, Whatmans Filter Paper, Metaloop Ch2, Nichrome Loop-D-1, Test Tubes, Zn Stain, Corn Meal Agar, Potato Dextrose Agar, Trichophyton Agar 1, Trichophyton Agar 2, Trichophyton Agar 3

Dadra And Nagar Haveli
Due Date
18 Feb, 2025
Refer Document