Allen Key Tenders

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Ref. No #33883617 State Government Live   GeM Tender

Supply Of Arduino Mega, Arduino Uno, Respberry Pi 4, Pi Display, Pi Camera, Bms, Nodemcu, Esp32 Cam Development Board, Power Router, Beaglebone Ai For Artificial Intelligence Based Applications, Peripheral Sets For Arduino Or Nodemcu Or Raspberry Pi, Oscilloscopes, Function Generator, Benchtop Multimeter, Non Contact Voltage Tester, Micrometer, Vernier Calliper Digital, Electronic Component Repository, Hot Air Gun, Air Compressor Silent, Led String Light Making Machine, Circular Saw, Bench Drill Machine, Bench Drill Machine Magnetic, Hand Drill Machine, Impact Drill, Pnumatic Drill Machine, Jigsaw Machines, Bench Grinder, Chopsaw, Table Saw, Laser Cutting Machine, Printer Vinyl Cutter, Angle Grinder, Printer Laser, Screwdriver Set Powered, Wood Lathe, Mini Desktop Lathe Cum Milling, Scroll Saw Machine, Dremel Cordless Rotary Tool, Belt And Disc Sanding Machine, Coil Winding Machine Motorized, Nail Machine, Pcb Power Drilling Machine, Advanced Motorized Sewing Machine, Sheet Cutter For Power Tools, Variavle Voltage Power Supply, Power Adopters, Multiple Adopter, Smart Ac Plug, Conference Speaker, Sheet Cissor, Sheet Cutter For Machining And Fabrication Tools, Screwdriver Set, Tool Wall Covering Perforator, End Cutting Mini Plier, Multi Purpose Bent Nose Plier, Ratchet Clamp, Needle Files, Pipe Vice, Dremel Multi Tool Kit, Revet Gun, Electric Rivet Insert Nut Gun Cordless Riveting Drill Adaptor Tool, Adjustable Spanner, Micor Chisel Set, Baby Vice, Anvil, Wire Stripper, Linesmans Pliers, Cutting Pliers, Fencing Pliers, Ironworker Pliers Rebar Pliers, Locking Pliers, Ring Spanner, Socket Spanner, Hook Spanner, Radium Cutter Knives, Spirit Level, Tap And Die Set, Height Gauge, Magnifying Glass With Stand 2 No, Digital Microscope, Digital Telescope, Measuring Tape, Measuring Tape Digital, Techometer, Glass Cutter, , Tri Square, Electric Clamp Meter, Multimeter, Weighing Scales, Welding Consumables, Rust Remover Spray, Acrylic Sheets, Foam Sheets, Aluminum Channels, Pcb Drill Bits, 3D Printer Filament, Thinner, Pu Paint, Pu Primer, Wires, Pneumatic Pipes, Pneumatic Fittings, Drill Bit Set, Revet, Gypsum, C Clamp, Microware Portable Scan, 3D Scanner Cnc, Exhaust Portable, Slide Changer, Carpentry Boring Bits, Usb Cables, Lan Cables, 9V Batteries, Tin Cutter With Spring, Cutting Mats, Laser Distance Measurer, Flashlights, Gas Welding, Adjustablet Wrench Head, Trolley, Card Machine, Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery, Hot Air Blower With Soldering Iron, Shouldering Rod, Clothes Iron, Lithium Battery Spot Welding Machine, Tool Bins Plastic With Metal Brackets, Vacuum Cleaner, Robotic Vacuum Cleaner, Filament Dehydrator Dry Cabinet, Reflow Oven

Uttar Pradesh
Due Date
13 Feb, 2025
62.00 Lacs