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Ref. No #32241500 Central Government/Public Sector Live

Supply of Regulation No.2.9--------- Product Category- Salt, Spices, Condiments And Related Products------------Food Samples Testing Under Food Safety And Standards Food Products Standards And Food Additives Regulation, 2011----------- Sub Categories- Edible Common Salt, Iodised Salt, Iron Fortified Common Salt, Potassium Iodate, Iron Fortified Iodised Salt Double Fortified Salt Etc, Caraway Siahjira, Caraway Black Siahjira Seeds, Large Cardamom Badi Elaichi Powder, Chillies And Capsicum Lal Mirchi Whole, Etc. ------- Food Testing To Be Done In Par Groups---- Proximate Analysis/ General Pars, Adulterants, Heavy Metals, Methyl Mercury, Crop Contaminants & Nots, Pesticide Residues, Additives, Microbiology.. Food Samples Testing, Name Of Food Sample: Salt For Proximate Analysis/ General Pars Including All Minerals To Be Tested------ Food Products Include D In The Category: Edible Common Salt, Iodised Salt, Iron Fortified Common Salt, Pot Assium Iodate, Iron Fortified Iodised Salt Double Fortified Salt Etc.------ Testing Par s Required: Salt For 1. Proximate Analysis/ General Pars Including All Minerals To Be Tested Food Samples Testing, Name Of Food Sample: Salt For Heavy Metals; Methy L Mercury; Additives------ Food Products Included In The Category: Edible Common Sa Lt, Iodised Salt, Iron Fortified Common Salt, Potassium Iodate, Iron Fortified Iodised Salt Double Fortified Salt Etc.------ Testing Pars Required: Salt For 1. Heavy Metals, 2. Methyl Mercury, 3. Additives Food Samples Testing, Name Of Food Sample: Spices For Proximate Analysi S/ General Pars; Microbiology ------ Food Products Included In The Category: Caraway Siahjira, Caraway Black Siahjira, Caraway Siahjira Powder, Cardamom E Laichi Whole, Cardamom Chhoti Elaichi Seeds, Cardamom Chhoti Elaichi Powder, La Rge Cardamom Badi Elaichi Whole, Large Cardomom Badi Elaichi Seeds, Large Card Amom Badi Elaichi Powder, Chillies And Capsicum Lal Mirchi Whole, Chillies And Cap Sicum Lal Mirchi Powder, Cinnamon Dalchini, Cinnamon Dalchini Powder, Cassia Ta J, Cassia Taj Powder, Cloves Laung Whole, Khoker Cloves, Cloves Laung Powder, Corainder Dhania, Coriander Dhania Powder, Cumin Zeera, Kalonji Whole, Cumin S Afed Zeera Powder, Cumin Black Kalonji Whole, Cumin Black Kalonji Powder, Fenn El Saunf Whole, Fennel Saunf Powder, Fenugreek Methi Whole, Fenugreek Methi Powder, Ginger Sonth, Adarak Whole, Ginger Sonth, Adarak Powder, Mace Jaipatr I Whole, Mace Jaipatri Powder, Mustard Rai, Sarson Whole, Mustard Rai, Sarson P Owder, Nutmeg Jaiphal Whole, Nutmeg Jaiphal Powder, Pepper Black Kalimirch W Hole, Pepper Black Kalimirch Powder, Light Black Pepper, Poppy Khas Khas Whole, Saffron Kesar, Saffron Kesar Powder, Turmeric Haldi Whole, Turmeric Haldi Po Wder, Curry Powder, Mixed Masala Whole, Aniseed Saunf, Ajowan Bishops Seeds, Dried Mango Slices, Dried Mango Powder Amchur, Pepper White Whole, Pepper Whit E Powder, Garlic Lahsun, Celery, Dehydrated Onion Sukha Pyaj, Asafoetida Hing O R Hingra Etc ------ Testing Pars Required: Spices For 1. Proximate Analysis/ Ge Neral Pars, 2. Microbiology Food Samples Testing, Name Of Food Sample: Spices For Heavy Metals; Met Hyl Mercury; Crop Contaminants & Nots; Adulterants------ Food Products Included In The Category: Caraway Siahjira, Caraway Black Siahjira, Caraway Siahjira Powde R, Cardamom Elaichi Whole, Cardamom Chhoti Elaichi Seeds, Cardamom Chhoti Elai Chi Powder, Large Cardamom Badi Elaichi Whole, Large Cardomom Badi Elaichi See Ds, Large Cardamom Badi Elaichi Powder, Chillies And Capsicum Lal Mirchi Whole, C Hillies And Capsicum Lal Mirchi Powder, Cinnamon Dalchini, Cinnamon Dalchini Po Wder, Cassia Taj, Cassia Taj Powder, Cloves Laung Whole, Khoker Cloves, Cloves Laung Powder, Corainder Dhania, Coriander Dhania Powder, Cumin Zeera, Kalonj I Whole, Cumin Safed Zeera Powder, Cumin Black Kalonji Whole, Cumin Black Kalo Nji Powder, Fennel Saunf Whole, Fennel Saunf Powder, Fenugreek Methi Whole, Fenugreek Methi Powder, Ginger Sonth, Adarak Whole, Ginger Sonth, Adarak Po Wder, Mace Jaipatri Whole, Mace Jaipatri Powder, Mustard Rai, Sarson Whole, Mu Stard Rai, Sarson Powder, Nutmeg Jaiphal Whole, Nutmeg Jaiphal Powder, Pepper Black Kalimirch Whole, Pepper Black Kalimirch Powder, Light Black Pepper, Poppy Khas Khas Whole, Saffron Kesar, Saffron Kesar Powder, Turmeric Haldi Whole, Turmeric Haldi Powder, Curry Powder, Mixed Masala Whole, Aniseed Saunf, Ajow An Bishops Seeds, Dried Mango Slices, Dried Mango Powder Amchur, Pepper White Whole, Pepper White Powder, Garlic Lahsun, Celery, Dehydrated Onion Sukha Pyaj, Asafoetida Hing Or Hingra Etc ------ Testing Pars Required: Spices For 1. Heav Y Metals, 2. Methyl Mercury 3. Crop Contaminants & Nots, 4. Adulterants Food Samples Testing, Name Of Food Sample: Spices For Pesticides; Additiv Es ------ Food Products Included In The Category: Caraway Siahjira, Caraway Black Siahjira, Caraway Siahjira Powder, Cardamom Elaichi Whole, Cardamom Chhoti El Aichi Seeds, Cardamom Chhoti Elaichi Powder, Large Cardamom Badi Elaichi Whole, Large Cardomom Badi Elaichi Seeds, Large Cardamom Badi Elaichi Powder, Chillies And Capsicum Lal Mirchi Whole, Chillies And Capsicum Lal Mirchi Powder, Cinnamon Dalchini, Cinnamon Dalchini Powder, Cassia Taj, Cassia Taj Powder, Cloves Laun G Whole, Khoker Cloves, Cloves Laung Powder, Corainder Dhania, Coriander Dha Nia Powder, Cumin Zeera, Kalonji Whole, Cumin Safed Zeera Powder, Cumin Black K Alonji Whole, Cumin Black Kalonji Powder, Fennel Saunf Whole, Fennel Saunf Po Wder, Fenugreek Methi Whole, Fenugreek Methi Powder, Ginger Sonth, Adarak W Hole, Ginger Sonth, Adarak Powder, Mace Jaipatri Whole, Mace Jaipatri Powder, Mustard Rai, Sarson Whole, Mustard Rai, Sarson Powder, Nutmeg Jaiphal Whole, Nutmeg Jaiphal Powder, Pepper Black Kalimirch Whole, Pepper Black Kalimirch P Owder, Light Black Pepper, Poppy Khas Khas Whole, Saffron Kesar, Saffron Kesar Powder, Turmeric Haldi Whole, Turmeric Haldi Powder, Curry Powder, Mixed Mas Ala Whole, Aniseed Saunf, Ajowan Bishops Seeds, Dried Mango Slices, Dried Mang O Powder Amchur, Pepper White Whole, Pepper White Powder, Garlic Lahsun, Cele Ry, Dehydrated Onion Sukha Pyaj, Asafoetida Hing Or Hingra Etc ------ Testing Para Meters Required: Spices For 1. Pesticides, 2. Additives

Due Date
02 Aug, 2024
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