Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 22530791


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Construction, Testing And Commissioning Of R.C.C. Elevated Service Reservoir Of 85 Kl Capacities & Staging 12 Mtr. Including Providing And Fixing Of Ci Double Flange Pipe, Double Flange Specials & Di Double Flange Soft Seated Sluice Valve Including Construction Of Suitable R.C.C. Valve Chamber & Providing, Laying, Jointing, Interconnection, Testing And Commissioning Of 90 Mm & 110Mm Dia Upvc Class 6 Kg/Sqcm With Suitable Joints, Valve Specials And All Fittings Including All Allied Civil Works, Construction Of Boundary Wall Around The Over Head Tank, Installation Of Electro Chlorinator, Construction Of Chlorinator Room Of Size 2.4*2.4*3.0 Mtr, Providing Functional Household Tap Connectionf.H.T.C In Individual Households Etc. Complete With Trial Run Operation & Maintanance For 06 Months Under Single Village Scheme Included Under Samoda-Achhola Mvs Of Piped Water Supply Scheme Under Jal Jeevan Mission For Village Garhseoni,

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