Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 23158324


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Construction Of 66Kv Sc Line On Dc Towers Using Coyote Conductor From Existing 66/11Kv Sub-Station Thippur And Proposed Railway Traction Sub-Station Near Siddapura Villiage Along With Construction Of 66Kv Terminal Bay At 66/11Kv Sub-Station Thippur. Part A: Construction Of 66Kv Sc Line On Dc Towers Using Coyote Conductor From Existing 66/11Kv Sub-Station Thippur And Proposed Railway Traction Sub-Station Near Siddapura Villiage For Route Length Of 4.458 Kms In For Arranging Power Supply To An Extent Of 5000Kva Load On 66Kv Reference, In Favour Of The Deputy Chief Electrical Engineer Railway Electrification Bengaluru, For Railway Traction Eht Installation Site Near Siddapura Village In Kunigal Taluk Tumakuru District On Total Turnkey Basis. Part B: Construction Of 66Kv Terminal Bay At 66/11Kv Sub-Station Thippur For Connecting To Proposed 66Kv Sc Line On Dc Towers Using Coyote Conductor From Existing 66/11Kv Sub-Station Thippur And Proposed Railway Traction Sub-Station Near Siddapura Villiage In Kunigal Taluk, Tumakuru District On Total Turnkey Basis. Including Supply Of All Matching Materials / Equipments And Erection Including Civil Works Of All Materials / Equipments, Testing And Commissioning.

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