Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 24161670


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Supply Of Drugs, Medical Consumables And Other – A.S.O. Tests, Acetone, Anti Human Globulin Serum, Anti Rh D Sera, Anti A Group Aera, Auramin – O Merck, Australiaantigenrapid, Bacillocide Extra, Barium Chloride Solution, Benedict Solution, Benzrdine Power, Black Disinfectant Fluid, Blood Grouping Anti A, Anti B, Anti D, Carbol Fushion Power, Carbolic Acid, Ceeder Wood Oil, Clot Activator Plain Vial, Coombs Reagent, Copper Soleplate, Creatinine Reagent, Crp Agglutination Strip Tests Kits, Dengue, Formal Dehyde, Glacial Acetic Acid, Glucostick Spark, H2s Water Testing Kit, Etc

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