Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 25607195


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Supply Of Material -Kankar, Jhajjar, Slurry soil, Mud masala, chose black bar, Cement, P.P.C., white cement , fine aggregate Ghadla, sand / gravel , rakhi , surkhi , ballast stone / brick , gravel , kharja , stone arch , rough kota stone without polish , marble chips , marble powder , marble stone , precast tiles / block , glazed, mosaic, vitrified tiles, interlocking tiles, acacia, ghana teak, door, structural steel, wrought iron, winding wire, iron garder, kaniya iron/ chakor bar/pati/ angle iron, barbed iron wire, lattice, cement concrete lattice, Glass, Colour-paint, Enamel Paint, Distemper, lime, Primer, Petroleum Material, Diesel, Mobil Oil, Bitumen Shaletex Board, Plain Sheet, G. E. Sheet, M. S. sheet, corrugated sheet, asbestos cement sheet, other sheet, senator, indian wc, orissa w. c. european w.c. , Purtain, Purtain Cleaner, Wash Basin, CP Pillar, CP Bib Cock, CP Lattice, Steel Cudget, Junction Box, Module GI Box, Module Switch One Way, Pin 5/6 , Steel Fastener , MCB DB , SPN Single Door , Copper Wire CI / MS Cover Plate , Charcoal , PV Water Tank , Diesel Road Roller , Sheep Foot Roller , Tractor Trolley , Tractor Water Tanker , Cement Concrete Mixer , Pumping Set, Needle /plate, cart/bale cart with driver , grinding machine , compressor , hydraulic excavator/jcb, dumper , scraper, shuttering, iron shuttering, cultivator etc

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