Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 25632974


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Supply of Optical Components, Single Mode Patch Cable, 980 - 1650 Nm, 3 Mm Jacket, 2 M Long, Single Mode Fiber Patch Cable, 2 M, 1700 - 2300 Nm, 3 Mm Jacket, Fc Pc Fiber Adapter Plate With External Sm05 Narrow Key 2.0 Mm, Fc Pc Fiber Adapter Plate With External Sm05 Threads, Wide Key 2.2 Mm, Sma Fiber Adapter Plate With External Sm05, Ingaas Photodiode, 300 Ps Rise Time, 800-1700 Nm, 150 M Active Area, Nist Calibrated Ingaas Photodiode, 800 - 1700 Nm, 2.0 Mm Active Area, 680 Nm Led With A Glass Lens, 8 Mw, To-18, 1050 Nm Led With A Glass Lens, 4 Mw, To-18, 1300 Nm Led With A Glass Lens, 3.5 Mw, To-18, 1600 Nm Led With A Glass Lens, 2 Mw, To-18

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