Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 31506361


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Supply of Journal Bearing Assembly Aar Approved Cartridge Taper Roller Bearing 6 1/2X 12 Class F Sealed U Nit Along With Backing Ring, End Cap, Locking Plate & 3 Cap Screws Duly Fitted With Grease.Size 6 1/2X 12 Class F S Ealed Unit Along With Backing Ring Timken India Part No Hm133444f Assly.90349 As Per Drg.No. Hm133444f As Sly.90349 As Per Specn. Size 6 1/2X 12 Class F Sealed Unit Along With Backing Ring Timken India Warranty Pe Riod: 36 Months After The Date Of Delivery

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