Short Summary

Short Summary For Tender - 31635501


Short Summary

Short Summary for tender Supply Of House Keeping Materials - Phenyle Klinzo -5 Ltrs Container, Diversey Taski R6 -5 Ltrs Container, Diversey Taski R9 -5 Ltrs Container, Royal Tissue Rolls Toilet Rolls, Dettol Hand Wash -200Ml, Garbage Bag - 17X19inches -Pack Of 30, Lemon Flavor Room Fresheners - 200Ml, Odonil Cakes 50Grm Assorted, Detergent Soaps - 200 Gms, Surf Excel -1Kg, Good Knight Refills, Check Clothdusting Cloth 24X18, Vim Dish Washing Liquid, Scrubbers, Mop Stick, Hard Broom Sticks, Bucket -20 Liters, Sanitizers, Colin -Glass Cleaner, Rat Bite Pads

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