Tender For Restoration Of 22Kva Chitkul Feeder From Rakcham To Dumti Damaged Due To Heavy Snowfall/Landslide/Shooting Stone W.E.F. 27/12/2024 To 29/12/2024
Supply of Domestic Mugs - Bathroom (Q3) , mosquito repellant cream spray and lotion (Q4) , Tissue Papers (V2) (Q4) , Hardner HV 9534 + Araldite Resin 5 KG (Hardner K 9) (Q3) , Handloom Cotton Sponge Cloth as per IS 860 (Q2) , Toilet Paper (V2) as per IS 14661 (Q3) , Transparent Tape (V2) (Q4) , Lime (Q3) , Geru / Red ochre (Q4) , Borax Powder (Q3) , Rust Remover Solution (Q3) , scrubbing brush (Q3) , Emery Cloth (Q3) , Speed Post Envelope (Large) (Q4)
Supply of Brush Wire Distemper White Brick Power Fire Brick Crushed Fine Thinners Paint Refill Paint Roller With Sheep Skin Cover Paint Fire Retardent Sky Blue Lime Slaked Paint Flourscent Green Coolant For Maruthi Gypsy Egnine Oil 20 Wd 40 Oli Servo Trans Fluid A
Restoration Of Bund From Ch. 1100 M. To Ch. 1300 M. And Construction Of Stone Protection Wall Between Ch. 1010 M To 1100 M Of Telange Kharland Scheme Tal. Mahad, Dist. Raigad. Reserved To Raigad District Majur Sahakari Sanstha
Repairs To Stone Pitching Waste Weir Drop Well Approach Road Toe Drain Cleaning And Other Ancillary Works Of Motewadi Mi Tank Tal.Shirur
P/L Kota Stone Flooring Steel Work, Distempering Etc. C/O Record Room/Store For Divisional Office Building Hppwd Baijnath
P/L Kharanja Stone Soling And C.C. Pavement And Rcc Slab
Construction Of 1.00 Mtr. Span Rcc Slab Culvert At Rd 2/045, U-Shape Drain At Rd 2/045 To 2/090 And P/L Stone Soling And C.C. Pavement At Rd 2/045 To 2/075
Providing Flush Pointing On Stone Masonry Etc Special Repair Of 06 Nos Hostel Mess And Academic Cum Admin Block Sainik School Sujanpur
C/O Modular Kitchen In Regional Hospital At Reckong Peo In District Kinnaur Hp Sh- P/L Kota Stone Flooring, Tile Flooring, Cupboard, Painting And Distempering Etc.
Supply of Sharping Stone Q3
Carrying Out Strengthening Of Existing Earthen Dam With Stone Masonry Spillway
Special Repair To Bungalow No. 22 At Shahibag, Repairing Of Wash Area At Back Side, Kotah Stone Work, Paver Refixing Work, Kerbing Work & Other Misc. Work
Supply Of Materials - Brick, Interlocking Brick Cement, Morang Sand, Plain Sand, Brick Ballast, Stone Ballast, Tiles, Paint, Distemper, Sign Board, Electrification, Hume Pipe, Street Light, Solar Light, Sanitation Material Cycle Rickshaw, Fogging Machine, Plastic Bank Rcc Bench India Brand Hand Pump Reboring And Repair Material And Other Materials
Supply And Spreading Of Machine Crushed Stone Ballast For
Fixing Kota Stone On Staircase And Other Misc Works In House No. 2690 To 2699G A, 2495 To 2508G A, 2510 To 2521G A, 2434 To 2447G A, 2422 To 2433G A, 2908 To 2927G A, 2928 To 2947G A, 2948 To 2967 G A, 2628 To 2661 G A And 2375 To 2
Handling ,Transport and Other Mining Services - Percentage quote based - Stone dusting spreading of stone dust in ug galleries along all haulage and travelling belt roadways in Katkona 1 and 2 incline
Mud Football Court, Toilet Block, Fencing, Compound Wall Repair, New Step Gallery, Name Board And Inauguration Stone, Electric Pole Foundation, Electrification Works For Toilet Block, Street Light And Allied Works One Panchayath One Playground - Establishment Of Sports Infrastructure Facilities At Manjeshwaram Grama Panchayath Ground, Manjeshwaram
P/F Granite Stone In Main Corridor And Connecting Corridor Floor Of Post Harvest Engg Deptt At Old Pct