Supply of Serological Water Bath Fssai Q2
Supply Of Methanol, Sodium Hydroxide, Fehling A, Fehling B, Hydrochloric Acid 0.1N 500Ml, Methylene Blue 125 Ml, Sulphuric Acid 500Ml, Petroleum Ether 500Ml, Folin Ciocalteu Reagent 100Ml, Amino Acid 250 Ml, Humic Acid 500G, Sea Weed Extract 500Ml, Pgpr 1Kg, Vermiwash 1L, Panchagavya 1 L, Jeevamritham 1L, Moringa Leaf Extract 1Kg, Thymic Oil 10Ml, Peppermint Oil 30Ml, Clove Oil 12Ml, Borage Leaf Extarct 100G, Cactus Root Extract 100G, Aluminium Chloride 500G, 1 Percent Potassium Ferricyanide, Ferric Chloride 500G, Phosphate Buffer 100G, Sodium Nitrite, Colchicine, Dpph 250Mg, Ethylmethane Sulphamate, Measuring Cylinder, Conical Flask 100Ml, Burette 25Ml, Pipette 2 Ml, Separating Flask 125Ml, Whatman Filterpaper No. 1, Whatman Filterpaper No. 42, Mortar Pestle, Muslin Cloth, Vernier Calliper Manual, Microcentrifuge, Water Bath, Top Pan Balance, Secatur Falcon, Budding Knife, Khuripi, Watering Can Round, Coconut Rope Roll, Trimmur Line Roll, Hand Gloves Vns Size 10 Ce Pair, Reti Big Size, Wheel Barrow, Seed Tray, Sprayer Foots, Nursary Poly Bags In Kg, Urea 50Kg, Dap, Mop, Ssp, Rogor 200Ml, Tricel 100Ml, Bavistin 100G, Blitox, Hijack 1L, Chloropyriphos 1 Kg, Cocopeat Blooks, Rose Water Can, Sintax Water Tank, Parafilm, Phenol Red, Sodium Thiosulphate, Screw Capped Test Tube Glass, Bromothymol Blue, Ttc, Thymol Crystals, Bromine Water, Trichloroacetic Acid, Casein Hydrolysate, Non Absorbent Cotton, Calcium Phosphate, Orthophosphoric Acid, Nesslers Reagent, Picric Acid, Pikovskaya Agar, Pseudomonas Isolation Agar, Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Micropipette Tips Packets, Latex Gloves, Azomithine H 1L, Dtpa 100G, Calcium Chloride Dihydrate 100G, Iba 5G, Naa 5G
Construction Of One No 5.40 Mtr. X 3.60 Mtr. Switch Room Cum Chlorine Room With W.C. And Bath For 2Nd Tube Well Site Of Proposed Pipe Water Supply Scheme For Dumri-Nakrasuli And Its Adjoining Mouzas, B
Supply Of Michelsons Interferometer, Ultrasonic Rf Oscillator, Zeemen Effect Appartaus, Function Generator, Constant Deviation Spectrograph C D S, G M Counter System, Gamma Ray Spectrometer With Detector, Water Bath Incubator Shaker, Compact Digital Camera And Camera Memory Card With Camera Bag, Elisa Plate Reader, Vertical Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus With All Accessories, Refrigerated Centrifuge With Variable Rotor, Micropipette Set, Laboratory Orbital Shaker For Bacterial Culture, Horizontal Minus 200C Deep Freezer, Thermal Cycler Gradient Pcr 0 Point 2 Ml Tubes 96 Well Plate, Ice Cube Making Machine, Digital Dry Bath Incubator
Supply Of Double Distillation Unit, Multichannel Micropipette, Water Bath Hot Circulating, Seed Germinator, Ph Meter Bench Top, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Digital Shaker, Pcr Machine, Electrophoresis Unit, 6Kva Ups, Ice Flaking Machine, Autoclave, -20 Degree Refrigerator, Multimode-Microplate- Reader
Supply Of Hand Saw, Portable Metal, Band Saw For Sectioning Body And Limbs, Storage To Hold 10 Cadevers, Static Movable Tank With Input And Output Facility With Lid, Trolley Table, Charts, Diagrams, Anotomy Models, Anaolgy Models, Teaching Maniqins, Steel Tray, Embalming Machine, Microtome, Hotplate Flateing Section, Diamond Pencil, Articulated Skeleton, Microscope Oil Emmerssion, Stade Incubator, Wintrope Pippetts For Esr And Pcv Stand, Colori Meter, Spygnomanometer Digital Mercury Based, Stethoscope Demonstration With Multiple Ear Piece, Knee Hammer, Opthalmoscope, Otoscope, Digital Ecg Machine, Yoga Mat, Tuning Fork To Test Hearing 32-10000 Cps 100, 256, 512 Hz, Spirit Lamps, Refrigirator 9-10 Cft, Water Distillation, Steel With Spare Heating Element, Analytical Balance Upto 200G 1Gm Increment, Digital Colorimeter, Glucometer With Strips Poct, Thermometer 0-250 Deg, Boiling Water Bath, Bottle Dispenser, Vortex Mixture, Incubator 37C, Digital Analytical Balance, Elisa Reader And Washer, 400 Lit Capacity Refri, Stop Watch Reading At 1By5 Second, Pipet Single Chenel 0.5-10Ul, Pipet Single Chenel 50-200Ul, Pipet Single Chenel 100-1000Ul, Pipet Single Chenel 20-200Ul, Regent Bottles 100 Ml, Regent Bottles 250 Ml, Regent Bottles 500 Ml, Regent Bottles Ember 100 Ml, Regent Bottles Ember 250 Ml, Regent Bottles Ember 500 Ml, Hot Plate, Autoclave, Water Bath, Single Pan Digital Balance Chemical, Balance Chemical With Weights, Fully Automated Counter, Incubator Electric, Balance For Weighing Food Stuff, Weighing Machine Adult, Baby Weighing Machine, Bp Apparatus, Needle Shredder, Glucometer, Clinical Thermometer, Octoscope
Supply Of Aium Bow Handle 200Mm, Aium Haples And Staples 150Mm Long, Aluminium Handle 100 Mm, Aluminium Handle 150 Mm, Bath Cabinate Mirror 450X350x6mm With Aluminium Frame, Butt Hings 200Mm, Butt Hings 50Mm, Butt Hings 75Mm, Cp Angle Cock For Wash Basin 15 Mm, Cp Angle Cock 15 Mm, Cp Angle Cock 2 Way 15Mm, Cp Bib Cock 15 Mm, Cp Concelled Stop Cock 15Mm, Cp Coupling 38Mm Dia For Urinal, Cp Health Faucet 8Mm Dia 1.2 Mtr Tube, Cp Jet Spray With 1.5 Mtr Tube, Cp Pillar Cock 15Mm, Cp Sink Coupling 50Mm Dia, Cp Stop Cock 15 Mm, Cp Towel Rail 600 Mm, Cp Wall Mixture Telephonic 15Mm, Cp Waste Coupling 32 Mm Dia Full Threaded, Curtain Bracket Fancy Type 25Mm, Curtain Bracket Plain Chromium Plated 25Mm Dia Fancy, Curtain Rod 25Mm Dia, Fastner 8Mm X 150Mm Long For Wash Hand Basin 6 Pcs Per Set, Flushing Cistern Pvc Bend Small For Ewc, Gi Tubing 15Mm Dia Medium Grade 20 Ft Lenth, Gi Wire Mesh 2 Ft Wide, Gi Wire Mesh 4 Ft Wide, Grating Round Ss Floor Drain Trap 5 Inches Or 127Mm, Grating Round Ss Floor Drain Trap 5 Inches Or 127Mm With Waste Hole, Helical Door Spring 150 Mm, Hexa Blade 1 Inch Double Side, Holding Bracket 600Mm Long For Whb 24 Inches, Hydraulic Door Closer Classic 90 Degree Universal, Internal Kit For Flush Cistern With Dual Flush, Internal Kit For Flushing Cistern Single Flush, Looking Mirror 450 X 600X6mm Aluminum Frame, Ms Butt Hinges 100 Mm, Ms Handle For Window, Nails 4 Inches, Nails Wire Of Size 3 Inches, Oil Putty For Window Glass, Peg Set Of 06, Pvc Angle Cock 15 Mm, Pvc Angle Cock 15 Mm Two Way, Pvc Ball Cock 15 Mm With Ball And Rod, Pvc Ball Cock 20 Mm With Ball And Rod, Pvc Bib Cock 15 Mm, Pvc Connection 15 X 450 Mm, Pvc Connection 15 X 600 Mm, Pvc Flushing Cistern 10 Ltr Cap, Pvc Health Faucet With Tube 1 Point 5 Mtr And Hook, Pvc Jet Spray With 1 Point 5Mtrs Connecting Tube, Pvc Overhead Shower Round 3 Inches, Pvc Pillar Cock 15 Mm, Pvc Pillar Cock 15 Mm Swan Neck, Pvc Rawl Plug 50 Mm And 6Mm Dia, Pvc Sheet White 8 Feet X4 Feet X6mm, Pvc Stop Cock 15 Mm, Pvc Toilet Seat Cover For Ewc, Pvc Waste Coupling 32Mm Dia Full Threaded, Pvc Waste Pipe 32 Mm, Rubber Beading 75Mm Wide 25Mm, Sink Without Drainge Board Made Of Ss 1Mm Thick For Kitchen Size 915 X 460Mm, Sink With Drainage Board Made Of Ss 1Mm Thick For Kitchen With Plugs Overall Size 915 X 460Mm Bowl Size 410Mm X 330X160mm, Sliding Bolt Handle 300Mm, Ss Curtain Support Set, Ss Handle 100Mm With Machine Screw, Tank Connection Nipple 25Mm, Tank Nippe 20Mm, Teflon Tape 20 To 40Mm Width 21 To 30M Long, Tower Bolt Aluminium 100 Mm, Tower Bolt Aluminium 150 Mm, Wall Putty Powder Asian Paints, Wash Hand Basin 46 X 33 Cm, Water Storage Tank 1000 Ltr Cap D L, Water Storage Tank 500 Ltr Cap Dl, White Cement, Almirah Lock 6 Lever, Anti Termite Treatment In 01 Ltr Pack, Caster Wheel Push Type, Channel Telescopic For Drawer 12 Inches, Cloth Cotton Green Blazer, Cloth Mal Mal White, Fevi Quick 20 Ml Pack, Fevicol Sr In 1 Ltr Pack, Foam Cushion With Stiched Cloth Cover For Chair Dining Size 16X17x4 Inches, Foam Cushion With Stiched Cloth Cover For Sofa Size 21X22x4 Set Of 10, French Polish, Haydrolic Assy For Chair Computer, Paint Brush 100Mm, Paint Brush 25 Mm, Paint Brush 50 Mm, Paint Brush 75Mm, Paint Synthetic Enamel Black 1 Ltr Pack, Paint Synthetic Enamel Hema Tone Grey 1 Ltr Pack, Paint Synthetic Enamel Og Olive Green 1 Ltr Pack, Paint Synthetic Enamel Smoke Grey 1 Ltr Pack, Prelaminated Mdf Board 18Mm Thick 8 Feet X 4 Feet, Tapestry Cover For Sofa Set Of 10 Size 21X22x4 Inches, Thinner 1 Ltr Pack, Turpentine Oil 1 Ltr Pack, Varnish Best Quality 1 Ltr Pack, Veneer Plywood 4Mm 8 X 4 Feet, Yellow Colour Mitti, 2 X 2 Feet Recess Ceiling Light 36 Watt, 2 X 2 Feet Surface Ceiling Light 36 Watt, Building Security Light 25 W, Casing Capping 20Mm, Casing Capping 25Mm, Electric Cable 1 Point 5 Sqmm Rol Of 180 Mtr, Electric Cable 2 Point 5 Sqmm Rol Of 180 Mtr, Electric Plug Top 16 A, Electric Plug Top 6 Amp, Fan Regulator Piano Type, Flexible Wire Twin Core Copper 90 Mtr, Led Bulb 10 Watt, Led Bulb 14 Or 15 Watt, Led Fitting 2 Feet Long 9 To 10 Watt, Led Fitting 4 Feet Long 18 To 20 Watt, Led Street Light 60W, Led Street Light Fitting Of 70 To 72 Watt, Mcb 2 Pole 32A Spn, Mcb 2 Pole 40A Spn, Mcb 32A 1 Pp 240 V, Mccb 04 Pole 100 Amps 25 Ka, Mccb 04 Pole 200 Amps 25 Ka, Mccb 04 Pole 63 Amps 25 Ka 415 Volts, Mccb 4 Pole 400 Amp 36 Ka, Mccb 4 Pole 63A 16 Ka, Modular Plate Module 1, Modular Plate Module 2, Modular Plate Module 3, Modular Plate Module 4, Modular Plate Module 6, Modular Plate Module 8, Modular Plate Module 12, Modular Socket 15 To 16 Amp As Per Sample, Modular Socket 5 To 6 Amp As Per Sample, Modular Switch 15 To 16 Amp As Per Sample, Modular Switch 5 To 6 Amp As Per Sample, Multi Pendent Holder With 2 Pin Plug, Pvc Insulation Tape 25 Mtr, Rechargeable Bulb 14 To 15 W, Socket 5 Or 15A 6 Pin Multi, Socket 5A 3 And 5 Pin, Sunmica Sheet 5 X 4 Inches, Sunmica Sheet 7 X 4 Inches, Switch 15 Amp, Switch 5 To 6 Amps, Switch Socket Combination 6 Amp, Switch Socket Combination 6 To 16 Amps
Plant Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning Of 100 No Water Bath Semi- Automatic At Hotwar Dairy Plant
Supply Of Drill Machine With All Size Bits, Centirifuge Machine Doctor Holes And Regulator, Magnetic Stirrer With Hot Plate, Water Analyser 5Para, Water Bath Rectangular Single Walled, Autoclave Vertical Cap., Bod Incubator, Gel Electrophoresis, Hot Air Oven, Megnatic Stirrer With Hot Plate, Micro Pipette Variable 1-5 Ml, Ph Meter, Slide Cabinet, Soxhlet Extraction Unit, Thin Layer Chromatography Apparatus, Vortex Shaker, Digital Haemoglobino Meter, Digital Ph Meter, Digital Therometer, Dissecting Microscope, Glucometer, High Speed Centrifuge Doctor Model, Micropipette 0.5-1Ml, Water And Soil Testing Analysis Kit
Supply Of Water Camper 15 Ltr, Bucket With Mug, Dinner Set, Glass Set With Tray, Tea Set, Electric Kettle 2 Ltr, Hanger, Allout With Refil, Induction Heater, Water Dispenser, Pad Lock 65Mm, Bed Sheet 100 Inch X 108 Inch With Pillow Sleep, Blanket 235 Cm X 215 Cm, Bath Stool, Dustbin Small, Plastic Chair, Hot Case, Induction Cooker 3.5 Ltr, Pan, Fry Pan, Tawa, Sleeper, Tea Strainer, Soap Case, Towel
Supply Of Cold Rush Portable Ice Bath Tub, Crystal Glass, Induction Chulha, Tea Flask 500Ml, Tata Sky Setup Box, Pad Lock, Umbrella, Plastic Bucket With Mug, Brass Tray, Borosil Glass Large, Borosil Glass Med, Water Jug Borosil, Cup And Saucer Set, Iron Kadai, Water Bottle 1 Liter, Pressure Cooker 3 Liter, Deep Fry Pan, Non Stick Kadai, Chakla With Belan Set, Patila Med Without Lid 6 Liter, Patila Small With Lid 5 Liter, Kitchen Stand Steel, Oil Dispenser 500 Gm, Cutting Board, Kitchen Knife, Tea Pan, Salt Pot, Table Spoon Steel, Tea Spoon Steel, Fork Steel, Spoon Stand, Dining Table Mat, Transparent Pvc 8 Seater Dining Table Cover, Gas Lighter, Gas Pipe, Bowl, Tea Stunner
Supply Of Centre Table, Steel Almirha Large, Dinning Chair, Sofa Of Two Seater, Sofa Of Single Seater, Utility Table, Supply Of Single Bed, Key Box, Notice Board, Wooden Bed Side Rugs, Double Bed Storage Box, Wooden Bed Side Table, Study Table Compuer Table, Study Chair, Corner Table, Luggage Rack, Bed Side Table, Dining Table 4 Seater, Crockery Cabinet, Dressing Mirror, Dressing Stool Single Seat, Single Bed Sheet, Towel, Bed Cover Single, Soft Blanket Single Bed, Quilt Single, Mattresses Single Bed, Fibre Pillow, Curtain For Doors Full Length, Mattresses Double Bed, Double Bed Sheet Bleached White, Quilt Cover Of Single Bedding, Hand Towel Bleached White, Full Plates Bone China, Quarter Plate Bone China, Cups And Saucer Bone China, Curry Bowl China, Rice Plates Bone China, Donga With Lid Bone China, Soup Bowl With Spoon, Tea Spoons, Desert Knife, Desert Fork, Rice Spoon, Serving Spoon, Casseroles, Glass Water, Water Flask, Pressure Cooker, Water Jug, Serving Tray Plastic, Salt And Pepper, Coaster Plastic, Kadai Mild Steel, Patila Aluminium, Karchi Stainless Steel And Aluminum, Parat Big Size, Container, Masala Box, Idly Maker, Kitchen Knife, Kadai Aluminum, Hanger For Cloth, Ash Tray Bone China, Bath Mat Woolen, Coir Door Mat, Dust Bin, Ice Bucket, Table Mat, Bucket Plastic, Mug Plastic, Soap Case Plastic, Bathroom Stool, Pressure Regulator, Lpg Hose Pipe, Gas Pipe, Gas Stove Lpg, Table Spoon, Flower Pot Bass Bone China, Tea Set Bone China, Patila Aluminium Large, Jhara Iron Large, Chakla And Belan Wooden, Serving Tray, Tawa Iron, Egg Beater, Gas Burner, Adjustable Regulator, Copper Pipe, Cloth Dryer Stand, Woolen Carpet, Dosa Tawa Big, Vegetable Rack, Vip Dinner Set Bone China, Veg Bowl, Fruit Basket, Dry Fruit Crystal, Dining Table Mats, Pvc Chair, Reception Chair, Toaster, Mixer Cum Juicer, Dosa Grinder, Circular Wall Clock, Alarm Clock, Emergency Light, Aqua Guard, Electric Iron, Voltage Stabilizer, Good Night Machine, Water Cooler Cooling, Insect Killer Machine, Shoe Shine Machine, Table Lamp, Reception Counter, Microwave Oven, Refrigerator, Deep Freezer, Split Air Conditioner, Heat Convector, Smart Led Colour Television, Dth Dish