Technical Support

Technical Support For Tender - 25046306


Technical Support

Technical Support for tender Supply of Chemicals - Ortho Phosphoric Acid , Sodium Hypo Chlorite Solution , Phenol Chloroform Iso Amyl Alcohol , Ethyl alcohol LR , Ethyl Alcohol MB Grade , Phosphate Buffered Saline , Silica gel for TLC , Extran- MAO2- , Monobasic potassium phosphate , PSA Kit , Gold reference solution for AAS , Benzene , 2, 4 di nitro benzene , Petroleum Ether , Glacial Acetic Acid , Alfa Napthylamine , Aniline Sulphate , Hydro Chloric Acid , Iodine , Starch Soluble , Ethanol , Hydrogen Peroxide , Tetra Methyle Benzidine , Sodium Chloride , Agarose low EEO for molecular Biology , Antisera cow , Antisera Goat , Antisera Fowl , Antisera Dog , Antisera Rabbit , Anti A Monoclonal antibodies , Anti B monoclonal antibodies , Cupric Chloride , Glycerol , Absolute Alcohol , Hydroflouric Acid , Sodium Rhodizinate , Chloroform , Sulphuric Acid , Potassium iodide , Cobalt nitrate , Ferrous sulphate , Sodium Hydroxide Pellets , Picric acid , Potassium dichromate , Chromotropic acid , Sodium carbonate , Sodium nitrite , Sodium thiosulphate , Isopropyl Alcohol , Ethyl acetate , HPLC Water HPLC grade , Acetonitrile HPLC grade , Ammonium Chloride AR , Dichloromethane AR , Trichloroethylene AR , Cyclohexane AR , Aniline AR , Anti H Lectin , Spirit , Wax Colourless , Phenophthaline powder , Cedar wood oil , Rabbit Anti-Human IgG Whole serum , Di Ethyle Ether , nHexane , Acetone , Methanol , Sulphanilic Acid , TE Buffer , Nulease free water-MB grade , 0.5M EDTA Solution pH 8 , EDTA disodium salt dihydrate , Ammonium Acetate , Tri fluoroacetic Acid , Pyrrolidine , Sodium Acetate , Potassium Hydroxide - , Potassium dihydrogen phosphate , Acetonitrile , Diethyl amine , Ammonia Solution , Ammonium carbonate , Bromoform , Nitric Acid , Toluene , Xylene , Ferric Chloride , Diluent , Human Antiserum , Benzidine Powder , Aniline Blue , Eosine Blue , Lugols Iodine , Lampsol , Ammonium Hydroxide , Agarose low EEO for Molecular Biology , Boric acid , Choline , Formaldehyde , Glycerine , Iso amyl Alcohol , Iso amyl Acetate , Mercuric Chloride , Phenol , Phloroglucinol , Spermine , Saffranin stain Solution , Vanilin , Zinc Chloride , Zinc Metal Dust , Stain Extraction Buffer

» Get complete Support to submit Tender Bid.
» Support in Bidding Online and upload your Bids on the department Portal.
» Support in documentation and Vendor Registration.
» Checking Eligibility Criteria
» Support in Technical as well as Financial Bid.
» Tender Document.

For more details Kindly fill up the form and our executive will get in touch with you or Call us :- 08320565287.